Chapter 4

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Jisung's POV:

When Minho came to my house today, it felt like all my prayers had been answered. I've been thinking about the dark-haired male for days and
it's been driving me nuts.

The way he took care of me, the way he didn't overstep, it felt good. He made me feel like there was finally someone in my corner. And the best part, I'm walking down the road with him at this very moment because he wanted to hang out with me.

With me! I still can't believe it. I feel nervous, and my heart is beating uncontrollably. For the first time in my life, I could actually have a friend.

A friend! How lovely would that be? Dad could never know, but it would still be great. We could go on walks together, and get Ramen, and pet stray cats, and sing songs! As long as this night goes well, I might actually have a shot at this.

I'm trying to play it cool and seem nonchalant, but I can't help the grin that spreads across my face whenever he says something.

I'm just so happy right now!

We decide to head to a convenience store as I haven't eaten yet. As we walk, I feel our shoulders brush. He must not mind, as he doesn't mention it. But I do enjoy it. It reminds me that for once, I'm not alone, there's a real life person who's actually choosing, and wanting to be around me.

"So, you got any food in mind?" Minho asks me as we walk into the store.
"I was thinking Ramen or something," I say while staring at the floor.

It's not that I'm uninterested and refuse to look at him while speaking. It's just that I'm nervous, and I don't want him to pick up on it.

I start to walk down the aisles of the store looking for something to satisfy my hunger, and Minho follows along behind. I stop at the shelf with Ramen and pick a flavor that looks good. I then move onto the desserts and settle on a chocolate bar I haven't tried before. Normally, I don't go for junk food since dad says it makes me fat, but I let myself have it tonight.

"Is that what you've decided on?" Minho asks me, motioning towards the items in my hands.

I give him a slight nod and find myself startled when the items are suddenly pulled out of my grasp.

"Great," he replies as he makes his way towards the register. Is he trying to pay for my food? No way am I gonna let that happen!

"Minho, you don't have to pay for that, I have my own money," I tell him.
"Great, save it for something nice," he responds abruptly.
"Seriously, Minho, I can pay for it myself," I tell him with a bit of a whine.
"Too late." He says with a smirk as he hands his card to the cashier.

He places the items back in my hands as I stand there flabbergasted. Nobody's ever bought me something before. I've never been given a gift either. And Minho just bought me this like it was nothing. I can't let this happen, not when I haven't done anything to deserve his kindness.

"Minho, let me pay you back. I feel guilty," I tell him.

He looks down at me, then pauses as if in thought.
"You can just buy me food next time," He finally says as he ruffles my hair.
"Next time?"
"Yeah, next time we hang out. You can buy me a snack, alright?" He says as he walks out the exit of the store.

I give him a quick nod as I trail behind him.

There's going to be a next time! For some reason, that thought makes me very happy.

Minho's POV:

I don't know what's gotten into me, but as the night progressed, I found myself teasing Jisung. I don't know if it's because I feel so comfortable with him or if his flustered reactions are just funny to me. Regardless, I'm not one to tease and joke around a lot. Or even hang out with people at all for that matter.

But with Jisung, everything is just feeling so natural.

I don't know what possessed me to go pay for his snacks. I'm normally a bit of cheapskate, but I find myself wanting to spoil the boy. And considering the reaction he gave me, he deserves it. He acted as if it was crazy for me to buy him some snacks, almost as if nobody's bought him anything before? The thought hurts my heart, but I make a silent vow to myself to always ensure that's not the case.

I want to give him things and watch him smile. After seeing his state the night we met, I guess I just feel like I need to take care of him. I've seen how fragile he can be, and I want to make sure he never has to feel like that again.

I watch him as he follows me out of the store.

"Where to now Jisung?" I ask him.
"Um, there's a park around the block. We could sit there and I could eat my food and then we can play on the swings?" He questions, looking up at me hopefully.

He seems a bit unsure of himself as
He speaks. I take a minute to process the request. I haven't played on the swings at the park since I was a small child. If it was anyone else asking, I would've refused the offer, but it doesn't sound half bad with Jisung.

I guess the boy takes my thinking as me not wanting to go and begins to back track frantically.
"But it's okay if you don't want to. It was a stupid idea anyway. Swings are for little kids and that's not us so there's no point in even bothering. We can just go wherever you want, I'm shouldn't have even suggested it,"He lets out quickly.

I feel sorry for him at this. Who had made him feel like his wishes are so insignificant, and why does he feel the need to accommodate me?

"Jisung, relax," I tell him, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"We can go to the park and play on whatever you want. If that's what'll make you happy, then don't worry about it. I just want to spend some time together, it really doesn't matter what we do. So, I'd love to go on the swings with you," I tell him seriously.

I need him to know that his feelings are important to me, and that he should make them known.

I see something change in his eyes as I say this to him and he looks down. He looks relived, but also a bit sad? How long has this boy just been letting everyone control his life so as not to offend them?

He stares at me for quite some time time. As if he's unsure of what to do now that the outcome of the situation relies on what he wants.

Finally he speaks.
"Thank you Minho... Can we go now, if that's alright?" He asks timidly.
"Of course we can," I tell him.

He flashes me another one of those smiles. It's a shy one, but it still makes me feel good to see it.

Then, he does something a bit unexpected.

He wraps his fingers around the sleeve of my hoodie and begins to run, dragging me along behind him.

"This way!" He giggles as he runs.
I can't help but think it's a little cute. The way he runs, the way he smiles, the way he holds onto my sleeve. My heart rate quickens as I come to a realization.

Jisung is undeniably adorable.

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