Chapter 8

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Jisung's POV:

"C-Can you hold me?"

I regret the words the second they come out of my mouth. Minho has no reason to do that. He looks at me quizzically for a moment, and I start to backtrack before he has the chance to tell me how disgusting I am.

"A-actually, it's fine. That was stupid. Pretend I never -" I find myself unable to finish my sentence as I'm pulled by strong arms.

His hands slide under my blanket, and clasp around my waist. The back of my head is leaning against his chest, and I can feel him rest his chin in my hair.

Any thought I could have had is gone. Any sentence escapes me. All I can do is savor the feeling of him. It's like I'm putty in his hands.

I feel my muscles relax, and I invite the warmth he brings. I hear a sigh escape my lips, and the urge to close my eyes has never been more prominent.

"You can close your eyes, Sung. I've got you," he tells me, and I can feel the blush burning into my skin.

He doesn't say anything else. The only sounds I can hear are his breathing and mine, slow and even.

His hold around me is tight, but not in a bad way. It makes me feel safe. His hands are still wrapped around my waist, and I place mine over top. I know I shouldn't, but the need is irresistible.

I'm expecting him to let me go at this action, but instead, he slowly starts to caress my hands with his thumbs. He makes gentle strokes up and down, his touch like that of a feather. I silently thank whoever's up in the sky for allowing me this moment. I can honestly say I've never felt more comfortable than I do right now.

If I died in Lee Minho's arms, I would go a happy man. So, I can't help it when I lose the battle with my fluttering lids and allow this amazing boy's warmth to lull me to sleep.

Minho's POV:

When Jisung asked me to hold him, I thought I thought I was going crazy. This boy beside me, with the most amazing voice, most adorable face, and most contagious laugh actually wants me to hold him???

I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve this, but it must have been pretty fucking spectacular.

As he starts to backtrack, I realize I haven't responded. Crap.

I will not let this opportunity go to waste. So, I do the only logical thing one could do in this situation, pull Jisung into my chest and pray that he still wants me to.

The first thing I notice is that he smells good, like amazing. As if someone sprinkled small pieces of brown sugar and vanilla on his skin. The second is that his waist is very, very small. In fact, with my arms wrapped around it, my hands can still clasp together completely with ease. It's cute that he's so small.

I feel him relax into my chest, and the euphoria is instant. I know that this isn't what friends normally do, but at this point, I don't care. I can never tell him, but if Jisung wanted to be more than friends, that'd be fine by me.

Suddenly, his hands are on mine, and my heart skips a beat. I can't help but caress his hands with my thumbs. I also can't help the fact that I never, ever, not even if the sun burns out, want to leave this position.

His skin is soft and smooth, and I love it. I wonder if he'd let me hold his hand next time we hang out? That might be weird, though...

After a while, Jisung's breathing evens out. I look down at his face to find that his eyes are closed. He's fallen asleep.

I shouldn't be surprised, I literally told him he could, but it makes me feel proud that he felt safe enough to fall asleep here. Not to mention, his lips have formed a soft pout in his sleep. They just look so... kissable?

What am I thinking?!

I'm supposed to be comforting him, not reveling in my newfound crush.

I feel him move slightly, and I'm afraid I've woken him up. It appears as though I have not. In fact, my little squirrel has turned his head to the side and has snuggled his face into my chest.

I feel my face heat up at this. What do I do now?! Should I wake him up or let him sleep? We never discussed whether or not he would spend the night.

If I'm being honest, I probably should wake him up and ask what he plans on doing, but I don't. I'm worried that if I wake him up, he'll leave my embrace, and I won't get to hold him anymore.

So, I make a very selfish decision.

I readjusted his blanket to cover him more nicely, laced my fingers into his, rested my face on his shoulder instead of his head, and closed my eyes.

I know that this makes me a terrible person, but we all do bad things. It's just that if I let this opportunity go to waste, I would be angry with myself until death, maybe even after.

To let Jisung escape my grasp before he absolutely has to would kill me, so I'm going to be greedy. I'm going to hold him until he wakes up and tells me to stop.

It was the best sleep of my life.

Minsung - Hold Me In Your ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now