Chapter 1 | No he is not batman's butler

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧Chapter 1୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆


You can look like whatever you want but please at least have pink highlights like the real columbina and also have the same clothing also Y/N is going to be a girl so sorry to the male readers out there!
Also fair warning you will be fighting with a scythe because I say so
Also your sir name will be Lady or Ms Columbina so you will only be called Y/N by close friends

Au explained-

So the Fatui is a really famous and powerful Mafia group located in Russia with almost half of the population in that mafia being "ability users"

Also BSD takes place around 2010-2018 so that's the time where technology is kinda advanced so expect for me to show a bit of technology in the story


"Now remember Y/N it's just a visit so don't think about starting your own mafia and planning attacks against humanity AGAIN" an old looking man said as he stared down at his comrade

"Don't worry Pierro I won't do it again" the woman with red highlights said with a sly smile as she sits comfortably in her fancy chair

The man that goes by Pierro sighs as he gets up from his seat and he heads to the door

"Also don't mess with the port mafia, I don't want to have to deal with them once you come back" the white haired male said as he opens the door and exit

"Aww but then there would be no fun in going at all... Ugh this is why nobody likes Pierro, he's to strict" pouts the youge looking girl as she sits up properly

"Well I mean I don't blame him... Even after Signora's death everything became so much more complicated so he must just be tired" the woman concluded as she got up from her seat and head to the door of her chamber to leave

"Alfred tell the palace that I will be leaving soon" said that girl as she looked over to her side to see her trusted butler come out the shadows

"Understood Lady Columbina I am on it right now" said the Butler as he bowed and disappeared

"Oh well it's time to go visit Dottore in Yokohama... Ugh that annoying bitch is always doing some shitty stuff..." Complained the girl but she soon realized what she said and stood up properly

"now now Y/N we need to be more lady like, its not appropriate to cuss just out of the blue like that" she said to herself as she gave herself a small smile than she walked out her room where guards can be seen standing there

"Good afternoon Lady Columbina" the guards greeted their master as they gave a light bow as the small woman continued to walk down the hallway

"I am going to be gone for awhile so if I have any visitors say that I'm not coming back anytime soon also keep my room tidey" ordered Y/N as she puts her hand up in command with a some what strict voice

"Understood Lady Columbina" bowed the younger soldiers as they said there good byes to their master


"Have a safe trip Y/N" smiled a woman with white and black hair "well do arlecchino" smiled the woman with pink highlights as she waved goodbye to her dearest friend

"Come with me Lady Columbina, your plane is this way" said the Butler Alfred as he escorted his master to her Private plane

"Thank you Sir Alfred" smiled the small woman as she takes her hand as he leads her to her Private plain

"That's quite an interesting outfit you picked Lady Columbina... It doesn't match what you usually wear, why is that?" Commented Alfred as he looks over to his master seeing her new attire

"Yes I changed it to fit the Yokohama life style" smiled the younger woman as she showed off her outfit a little bit

This is your outfit but the blue is changed to a light pink

(Please don't attack me this is the closest I could get to what I wanted you all to wear ✋😭)

"I see, it's quite a beautiful outfit Lady Columbina" replayed the Butler with his usual emotionless face

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"I see, it's quite a beautiful outfit Lady Columbina" replayed the Butler with his usual emotionless face

"Ehe thank you Sir Alfred" said the girl as she smiled

"We are here Lady Columbina" said Alfred as he stood Infront of a fancy white plain that could probably fit 100 people

"Thank you Alfred" smiled the woman and she started climbing the stairs and entering the plain and sat down in the open space

Soon Alfred enters and sits to the side of Y/N to give her space "are you ready Lady Columbina?" Said the Butler as he faced his master

"Yes I am"

*+:。.。End of chapter...。.。:+*

Hello! Thank you for reading I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

I will update whenever I feel like it!

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