Chapter 8 | Welcome to the group of gays!

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Yes a story before I go!

Please enjoy also this is really rushed so yeah-



"Hello thank you for coming to this work meeting" Fukuzawa says with a stern face

"Yeah yeah just get it over with" Ranpo complains as he eats his chips

"Well I wanted you guys to meet your new coworkers, Y/n (made up last name) and Rei Kou

(Pronounced "Khoo")

Soon two figures walk in the room

A tall black haired male with red eyes and a emotionless face can be seen with a (describe yourself)

"Its a honer to meet you" bows Y/n with a smile before she looks up looking around the room

'theres the target... Osamu Dazai... Or better known around the agency Dazai-san... I wonder why that bitch of a doctor is so interested in him' Y/n thought as she looks at her Butler

"Heh sorry but her doesn't talk much, but allow me to introduce us. I am Y/n (made up last name) and we used to be part of a military force in Russia but got moved here to help. Him right here is my partner, Rei Kou" Y/n explains with a amused smile

But than all of a sudden a loud clank can be heard in the room

Everyone looks over to Atsushi to see him passed out on the floor

"A-ATSUSHI?!" A girl with black hair and pig tails yells as she hurrys to Atsushis side to try and help the poor man

"Huh? Is he ok?" Y/n asks with worry as she walks up to him and sees if he is ok


"Oh? People from the Fatui came here... Hm seems like that's going to be some trouble..." mori says as he looks out his window

"Yes it seems so Sir" Chuuya says as he looks up at his boss

"And why are they here exactly?" Asked mori as he looks back at Chuuya and stare at him

"We don't know sir" Chuuya answered with a big of hesitation

"Hm, keep a eye on them for me" mori smiled at the thought of someone from a powerful group came to there place

"Understood" Chuuya says before walking out of the room

"This is quite exciting..."


"Yes dettore, we found him" Y/n sighed as she ate her (your favorite dessert)

"Ok, I want you to keep a close eye on him" Dottore again mentions

"For the last time I understand, why do you even want him so badly?" y/n asked as she continues to eat her food

"Hm will I thought it was obvious" Dottore questions "well not really because your a secretive little asshole" Y/n mutters

"Well it's simple, It's his ability" Dottore start as he placed down his cup of tea

"Dose his Ability have a Limit? Can he stop multiple Abilities? what is the purpose of his Ability? Dose his ability work with only his skin or his insides as well? There are so many questions left unanswered for me and it made me quite curious" Dottore makes a sly smile

"So your going to kidnap him and brake his mind? I highly doubt you can do that as his mental health is already broken yet he can still function like a normal human" Y/n says looking seriously at Dottore

"Hm yes I already know that but there is only one way I can think of tricking him, he is to smart but I think this might work" Dottore adds on

"You read his files am I correct?" Dottore asks as he looks over Y/n to see her answer

"Yes I did, Ability: No longer Human, Age: 22 occupation : Ada, Old occupation : Port Mafia executive, Reason of undeployed: Dead friend which lead him to fake his death, Yes I know" Y/n Sighed in annoyance

"Good but what I am saying is you know how he left thr port mafia for his friend? The reason behind that would most likely be Love. Love for a person that made him go insane once they disappeared, maybe if we did it again we can fully break him" Dottore answers

"So your saying for him to magically make him get in love with someone?" y/n stared at Dottore with a dumbfounded face

"Hm yes but it would obviously make sense that it was you if you killed the person he loved, you would get found out easily especially with that detective" Dottore sighed

"So I want you to make him fall in love with you and betray him, eazy as that" Dottore adds

(Ngl this is probably some of the most jussy story I made like y'all getting a full course meal with this story line wtf)

"Hm oh ok" Y/n says as she asks the Butler for more of (your favorite food)

"So do you understand?" Asked Dottore "yes sir" Y/n answerd

"Well than I will see you off" Dottore says as he stand up "wait what-" before Y/n can finish her sentence her unfinished food gets taken by one of the butlers and soon she gets pushed outside but Dottore

"Know hurry on bye bye" Dottore says as he shoved Y/n outside "But my foo-" Y/n trys to say before getting cut off "shut up" Dottore says before closing the door


"I hate him..."


Welp this is my good bye before you guys have to wait a month for a new update-

Bye bye 😭

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