chapter 2 | Guess who the driver was

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧Chapter 2୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Notes -

Same notes from chapter 1 but I also forgot to add this your not wearing the white thing on the front of columbina face but idk I might change it

Also this is what Alfred looks like but imagine him a little older looking

(Credits - ???)

I literally just searched up "anime butler" for this ✋😭

Also I made him a cryo user so basically a Ice ability 🤭

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Also I made him a cryo user so basically a Ice ability 🤭

(⚠️Please read the notes in chapter 1 and 2 and continuous chapters they are very important and if you don't you will be confused⚠️)


"So Alfred how long is the plane ride?" Asked Y/N as she layed in her seat comfortably

"It is about 10 hours Lady Columbina" replayed Alfred as he poured a glass of (your favorite drink) in a fancy cup for Y/N

"I see" signed the younger looking girl as she gave a light sigh as Alfred handed Y/N the cup of (Your favorite drink)

"Why thank you Alfred" said Y/N as she took the glass and started to continue to talk "Also Alfred just call me Y/N, we have been friends for more than 4 years" smiled the woman with pink highlights

"... I-i see..." Said Alfred as he than turns around and start walking away slowly as Y/N just give a dumd founded face 'Did I offend him? I mean he is a really high ranked butler...' thought Y/N as she just smiled awkwardly

"Friends..." Muttered Alfred as he makes a small smile before leaving the room where Y/N is

(Y'all probably going to ask me to ship him and you 🤨)


"Ugh that was long" complained Y/N as she stepped down from her plane to be in a private field rented out by the fatui just for her landing

"The place we are supposed to go is about a 15-30 minute ride" said Alfred as he looked at his work phone

"Hmm ok" Yawned Y/N as she stood outside her plane as she looked around the greenery

'They picked a weird ass place for our landing' thought Y/N as she started to walk on the rocky steps

'I mean it is kinda pretty' thought Y/N as she stared down at a flower next to her feet

"Lady Y/N, are you ready for your ride?" Asked Alfred as he walked up to Y/N from the behind

"Hm? Oh yes I am Alfred, let's get going" smiled Y/N as she turns around to face her trusty butler

"Understood" said Alfred as he took Y/N by the hand and took her to her newly baugh Lamborghini

Y/N sits down at the back of the Lamborghini where she sat comfortably

(Yes you are a rich little bastard)

Soon Alfred also joins Y/N at the back of the car and sits to the side of her

"Lady Y/N I just got some information about the current business in Yokohama" said Alfred as he took out his smart phone to look at the current news

"Apparently a group from American called "The Guild" has just entered Yokohama and apparently causing a bit of trouble for the Port Mafia and a group of detectives named "The Armed Detective Agency" or the ADA for short. Apparently the ADA is full of people who are ability users" said Alfred as he scrolled thew his phone

"Hmm... I see" said Y/N as she looks outside to see a beautiful flower field 'The Guild? Hmm so a bunch of wanna be's but the fact they are a problem for the Port Mafia makes them more interesting' though Y/N as she gave a small sly smile

"How fun~"


"We are here Lady Y/N" said Alfred as he stood up from his seat and opened the door for Y/N as she walked out and looked around at the area she is in right now

"Hm? A garden?" Asked Y/N as she looked at Alfred for an answer "yes this is the current location Lord Dottore is located right now" said Alfred as he closed the door to the car and set it off to drive away

'Thats weird... What the fuck are you doing Dottore?' Y/N said to herself in my mind as she looks up at the building Infront of her

"Let us go in Lady Y/N" said Alfred as he led Y/N to the front door 'ugh what are you planning Dottore...' Y/N told herself as she walked up the steps to the front door

"How annoying..."

*+:。.。End of chapter...。.。:+*

Hello! Thank you for reading I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

I will update whenever I feel like it!

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