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I groaned and moved to the other side of my bed for what felt like the 100th time this single night.

I couldn't get this stupid kid out my head.

It's not even a crush!

It's a guy.

How could I even think about a guy this much.

I don't even think about my best friend this much? Especially not like this.

I twisted and turned, none of it seeming to do me any help.

I just couldn't get the sight of his gorgeous eyes looking into mine out of my head. The way he slightly tilted his head and flashed me a quick smile that didn't go unnoticed by my eyes. The way my name sounded mixed in between his sweet voice. The way he introduced himself to me and shook my hand. The way his small hand fit perfectly in my larger one.

Jesus what is wrong with me?!

I'm straight.

I should only be thinking this way about girls. What's so special about him?

Now that I think about it, girls have started to be less appealing to me.

It's as if, he's meant for me.

As if i have him, I won't need anything else.

I really need to stop thinking.

He's a guy.

I'm a guy.

This doesn't go well. He probably isn't thinking about me the way I'm thinking about him.

I'm probably just being weird. I'll talk to Jungwon tomorrow.

I turned to look at my clock, sighing when I realized it's 11 pm and I've yet to fall asleep.

I decided to play some music as a slight distraction.

That seemed to do the trick, because I was asleep within the next 30 minutes.


I woke up with an insane headache, which doesn't surprise me much, based on the very little sleep I got last night.

My rough night has now led to me standing in front of my best friends door, about to tell him about these odd emotions towards niki.

"Hey Jake. What are you doing here?"

I slipped inside the house as I heard Jungwon's voice ring in my ears.

"I can't get niki out of my head."

If I'm going to say this, it's best I say it straightforward, with no lies whatsoever. I really need to understand this situation.

"I'm sorry? repeat that?"

I swallowed the thick lump in my throat before repeating myself in a more understandable way.

"I can't get niki out of my head. I couldn't sleep last night because of him. Ever since you introduced him to me, I haven't been able to get him out my mind. Girls have been less appealing to me whenever I met him. Every feature of him brings me some sort of feeling. I don't know what's going on and I'm scared."

I took a deep breathe after finishing that long confession.

I watched as Jungwon stared at me in utter disbelief and slight confusion.

"You like niki?"

I gawked at his words, not even realizing that's what could be made out of my confession.

"I don't know. That's why I came to you, so I could figure that out." I calmly stated.

"Only you know your feelings, Jake. But, I will tell you that it sounds like you're into him somewhat. You have an attraction to him and I wouldn't brush this off if I were you. You said girls were less appealing now, am I right?"

I nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"That probably means that you're into guys and niki has made you realize that. It could be his looks or his bubbly personality even, but you still have an attraction towards him.

I'm not gonna tell you what your sexuality is, because that's up to you. As for the attraction to Niki, it seems you have a strong one."

I smiled at the thought before continuing our conversation.

"Thanks Jungwon. I think that helps a lot. How would I explain this to him though?"

Jungwon looked at me for a split second, almost lost in thought.

"I'd say you go for it and tell him. Don't tell him you like him because you're not fully aware of that yet, but tell him you have an attraction to him. Maybe get to know him more and ask him on a date or something."

I smiled before thanking Jungwon one last time and hopping into my car.


I took a deep breathe as I found myself face to face with niki's front door.

I knocked softly - but loud enough to be heard - and waited for him to open the door.

A few seconds later, I was met with the same beautiful face I couldn't get out my head last night.

"Hey Jake! What's up?"

I awed at his per usual bubbly personality before asking if I could come in.

He moved aside, letting me come inside his house.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, if that's okay."

I held my breathe, already nervous as to what i'm about to say.

"Alright!" He replied excitingly.

"I think I really like you niki. Ever since Jungwon introduced you to me, I couldn't get you out of my head. You were always there with that beautiful smile and no matter how much I tried to forget you, to move on, it never worked."

I watched as Niki's eyes widened.

"I started to have less interest in girls, and more in boys. I might be gay but that isn't what I'm really thinking about right now. I don't care what I am as long as it means I'm into you. I like you."

I watched as niki blushed before shyly looking down and back up again.

He looked almost conflicted.

"I like you too, Jake."

I released the sigh I was holding in for so long. Those are the words I really wanted to hear and I'm glad I got to hear them.

"Can I kiss you?"

I cooed at his sweet smile.

"Of course."

I smiled before leaning in and pressing my lips against his soft ones.

I never imagined this moment to feel so good.

I pulled away slowly, still looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Do you maybe wanna try being my boyfriend and we go from there?"

I smiled at the blush he held on his face whenever the words left his mouth.

"Of course" I replied honestly.


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