Chapter 1: Out in the ice realm

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DISCLAIMER! READ BEFORE LEAVING HATE COMMENTS: before I start this book I have a few announcements to make, number one I am basing the laws off of the country I come from not the country it is set in so this will be based on the laws of the Uk. Number two I could not find an age for buzzsaw although I looked it kept saying unconfirmed so I made him 17 years old. THAT IS RIGHT IN THIS BOOK BUZZSAW IS 17 AND TOM IS 16!

Buzzsaw's P.O.V.

That kid and his friends had just stolen my dragons that I trapped fair and square and let them all go. I was so miserable that I felt like screaming but I knew that would be a bad idea. I may be a coward I'll admit that but I'm no fool, if I screamed some predictor dragon would come along and eat me or set me on fire or freeze me in ice so I just sat there for a second.

After about 35 minutes of sitting there feeling sorry for myself my ego spoke up.
"Are you really going to let those children embarrass you like that? You are Buzzsaw! You are great! So what if they won this time. They won the battle but you will win the war!" And that was enough to get my hopes up.

Well, if I was going to start anywhere I would need to get wood for a new whistle to catch more dragons. Then I'd need to get more dragons to obey me. My problem was I didn't have enough dragons fighting for me so I need to change that for next time.

I was so consumed in thought that I almost didn't see it dead ahead of me. Then I saw it. The big dragon that I had flown on the back of was standing in the clearing ahead of me. It seemed to be confused but then I realised. Tom had used the whistle to calm it and send it away but now it didn't know what to do as it thought it still had to follow orders.

I kept to the edges of the clearing as without my whistle I knew there was nothing stopping it from eating me like a fish however as I crept around the clearing it saw me. It was like my life flashed before my eyes as it ran at me. Wings were outstretched and mouth was open and the only thing running through my head was "Holy shit it's going to eat me!?!" But as I closed my eyes and accepted my fate it never came. No fire, no ice, no teeth and no being eaten like a fish. I looked up and saw it looking at me expectantly kind of how a child look at a parent after their name has been called.

"You... Aren't going to eat me?" I asked before correcting myself " I mean of course you aren't I am the dragon king and you are my obedient servant"

It looked at me with a look that clearly read "are you for real?" However I pretended not to notice.

"Let's get back to the camp and I'll make a saddle so it is more comfort for me to ride on your back." I said walking back in the direction of where I had been hunting dragons before pausing.

"Actually... Maybe we should move camp those teenagers now know where I am so they will come back to stop me but if I move they won't know where to look" I clapped my hands together at the brilliance of the idea. As I clapped my hands together the dragon rose up and walked up next to me.

It had been an hour and a half of shifting cages moving supplies and generally shifting the camps location but I was done. Luckily for me the Dragon was able to do most of the heavy lifting and I'd gathered some branches are on the way. It turns out the dragon has wings that are so sharp it can cut through fully grown trees so I was able to grab branches to carve into new dragon whistles. I made two mistakes when I went up against them. 1) I didn't have enough dragons fighting for me and 2) I didn't have backup dragon whistles. Fix those problems and I know I'll win for sure.

It had been hours and hours of me carving away at the log and thinking of ways to win the next time I went against the dragon riders and I was so focused that I didn't realise the little light there was in the ice realm was nearly gone. I have a flashlight however I don't want to waste it as I can use it to scare off large dangerous dragons that want to eat me.

At that moment I had an idea. The dragons those kids had could all shoot fire. Maybe this one could too.

"Hey you. Shoot fire." I demanded while pointing at a spot on the ground in front of me. In response it lifted it's head sleepily and looked at me. "Hey you dumb thing I said shoot fire. You know Fire, flames, hot stuff?" I said pointing aggressively at the ground again and making a blowing motion and at that it seemed to understand and blew a little bit of fire onto the ground however within a few seconds it went out.

"Right... I need something to keep it going or it's going to keep going out" I said to myself.

"Well I was going to make a ton of dragon whistles but I guess I can use some of the logs to keep the fire going." I said dropping some of the logs onto the now burnt spot on the ground. I pointed at the spot again and the Dragon instantly knew what to do now and set it on fire and it started burning nicely. Most of the logs I'd put on fire were ones that were either too large or too small to carve. As I sat there carving I started thinking about the dragon riders.

"What if this plan doesn't work? How is it that they won? I had the whistle and they didn't. So how did they win?" My ego told me that it was pure luck but my brain told me it was because of my ego but that hurt my ego so I didn't listen to it. If it was my ego that let me down that meant I was wrong in some way and that just couldn't be. Yes, it must just have been luck, their leader got lucky that I was distracted and stole my whistle that won't happen again since I will make sure they can't get lucky next time.

However as I thought that my ego whispered to me not to make it Completely luck proof just incase they won next time too, then what would I blame if I lost again? But I didn't listen. If I made it luck proof then I would win. I smiled as I came out of my thoughts and looked at the almost perfect whistle in my hand. It could use sanding and painting but with what I had it was pretty good. While thinking that I heard my stomach growl and realised I haven't eat a thing that day. In the morning i'd been too excited about beating those dragon riders to eat breakfast at lunch they bested me and now it was past dinner.

In the dark I saw the dragon across from me raise it's head and look at me through the warm fire. I tried to stay quiet but my stomach growled again. I was about to go and see if I had any food left in my coat when the dragon got up and flew off. After a few minutes of maddening silence that made me want to bash my head in it came back and dropped something into my lap. It was what seemed to be an oceans worth of fish. I don't think I've ever seen that much fish in one place even in the water and this dragon grabbed this for me because I was Hungry? No-one had ever done that or anything similar for me before. Maybe this dragon isn't as bad as the rest. That doesn't mean I like dragons but that also doesn't mean I hate this one.

I quickly started cooking and then eating the fish. I could never eat all of this so I threw the excess to the dragon. I had a lot of work a head of me and now I had a full stomach I needed a good night's sleep so that I could start my plans to rule the world as the dragon king tomorrow.

"Stand guard for me" I said to it laying down on the bed of leafs and sticks I had pulled together "I don't want to die in my sleep dragon" as I drifted off I could hear soft snoring coming from a few feet away and the last thing I thought before I drifted off into dreamland was "useless dragon"

Axes and Lightning ((Tom x Buzzsaw) Dragons the nine realms)Where stories live. Discover now