Chapter 5: Distracted in crossfire

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Tom's P.O.V.

I sighed as we flew through the valley to the lair of the skrill. It was the only way we knew of to get to the fire realm so we had to take this route. Honestly I was considering getting the fault ripper to drill a more direct path but that would be an opportunity for the sky torcher to try and attack the crystal realm again.

"Hey Tom you seem kind of distracted today are you ok?" Asked D'Angelo. I definitely was distracted but I'm not entirely sure why. It sort of feels like I know too much and I'm thinking about too much.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking about things you know plans and stuff..." I ended lamely.

"Hang on... It's those rock eating dragons. Take cover" and sure enough I could see a small group of the bumpy rock eating dragons we had seen before flying straight at us. Thunder quickly dodged them and the others managed to take cover. Well all except for Eugene.

"I'm little help here guys?" He said and we saw webmaster was laying on top of one of the the crystal walls and Eugene was dangling from web's neck barely holding on.

"I'll get you down" said Alex quickly flying up to help Eugene

"What was that about?" Asked Jun. This question was quickly answered by D'Angelo.

"Well whatever happened something spooked them, I bet that's what set off the sensors earlier." He said looking down at the clearly trampled sensor in the middle with the others still intact however looking a little beat up. when looking down we also saw other dragons running, not only were the bumpy rock dragons flying but the big dragon that could set itself on fire and many like it were fleeing and generally lots of inhabitants from the fire realm were running or flying too.

"What the heck is going on!?" Yelled Eugen

Then we heard it. A roar. The same roar the mist dragon had. My guess would be as to how it got there where is when when was so scared it off it ended up flying through A passage to the fire realm that we didn't know about. The other dragons were scared of it. Probably because it's only needed a moment to kill you and it could make that moment no matter how prepared you were.

"It's that mist dragon and I saw earlier!" I yelled before I could think or stop myself.

"Hang on what mist dragon?" Asked Jun "you said you went to the ice round to collect samples"

"Not much time to explain but I did and I ended up running into that thing" I said dodging the mist it tried to throw at me "I don't know much but I do know you need to dodge the mist if you breathe it in or if it even touches your skin it will freeze you in place for up to an hour"

"You are so in trouble when we get back to the base" said Jun before focusing on dodging again.

I tried to focus on dodging but I knew thunder would do do everything he could do not get hit so I let my mind wandering little. My main worry was what tunnel did it take to get to the fire realm? And honestly more importantly could we patch the tunnel? Maybe buzzsaw dug a tunnel to try and get out but ending up digging in the wrong direction and got to the fire realm.

Buzzsaw... Why didn't he kill me? He said he saved me because if anyone was going to kill me it would be him but killing me while I was paralysed would have been a perfect thing to do. I mean he's obviously planning on killing dragons but I don't think I've ever seen him actually kill something. No that's I think about it he's really aggressive to people and dragons but he's never hurt them. Maybe, just maybe, he could be... what, reformed? I mean Basildon capturing dragons he hasn't really done much...

Maybe he isn't so bad...

"TOM WATCH OUT!!!" Yelled D'Angelo in a panicked voice and I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to see a bunch of mist headed straight for us. I couldn't dodge but I remembered what buzzsaw said when he first save me.

"You're probably going to be frozen for another 10 minutes because of how much you breathe in. The more you breath in the longer it lasts" something like that. I knew what I had to do and as quickly as I could I covered my mouth and nose. I felt my body going numb as I knew thunder was dropping But suddenly it stopped.

"Don't worry plow and I gotcha" said D'angelo.

"Thank god" I said through my arm.

"Is there anything else we should know to scare off this dragon?" Yelled Jun from Wu and Wey's back

"Wait there is something but I'm not sure how much it will help" I said "dragons don't like loud noise so you could try screaming but it would affect your own dragons too." I yelled up to them and at that instant Eugene screamed the loudest girliest high pitched scream he could at the top of his lungs. If the dragon didn't like bows swords Yale it absolutely loathed Eugens. It screeched before flying into a hole in the ceiling.

There are a few moments of silence before or they asked the question. Surprisingly Eugene was the first one to ask it "so how did you know about that dragon?"

I sighed deeply. "Ok I'll tell you but there's not much to tell honestly." I said I was using the time I was strolling for to raise my confidence enough to fully lie. I couldn't tell them about Eugene because they'd instantly call me a traitor.

"So when I went out to look for samples the reason it took so long was because I encountered that dragon I got hit by the mist but thunder jumped in front of me after that and roared loud enough that it ran shaking it's head like it did just now. the reason I covered my mouth was because I realised that the more mist you breathe in the longer you're frozen for and the reason I knew to yell was because thunders roar scared it off." I said making sure to maintain eye contact and keep my calm.

Alex sighed "you need to tell us stuff like this Tom. You could have been seriously hurt and we could have used the information for the fight." She said shaking her head.

"Sorry but you guys don't like me exploring without you and I thought you guys would get angry because while I did go out for samples normally when I talk about a new dragon it's because I went exploring." I said looking down which made me realise I could move my neck now. Then I realised that I could feel my arms and legs.

"Well it looks like you can move again" said D'angelo "we should head back to base" so we did.

One very awkward fight back later and we were sitting in the base. D'angelo was looking over the samples I got him. Jun was looking for new dragons in her book of myths. Alex was recording information about the mist dragon on her tablet Eugen was playing eye spy with webmaster and I was sat there trying to translate the book I had found. And then I saw it.

"Guys, I know what the dragon is called." I yelled across the cave.

"Really" asked Jun " what's it called?"

"It's something called the flightmare, the page says it will eat anything and anyone but not for sustenance. It eats animals that try to attack it as a defence. Removing that, it's diet mainly consists of a particular glowing algy." I said putting the book down to think.

"But we didn't see any algy" said Alex.

"It must be super duper lost then. Obviously." Said Eugene

"Eugene is right. I bet it comes from the water realm but accidentally made it to the ice realm then thunder scared it into the fire realm so it started panicking causing the dragons to panic." I said looking back at my book.

"Well the only way to know what realm it's in is to go through that tunnel that it went through in the fire realm" said D'angelo "but Tom, I think you should stay here"

"WHAT!?" I yelled "why should I stay here I know the most about this thing"

"Yes and you are also very distracted today. We don't want you getting hurt because you can't dodge in time again" she said looking at my with concern in her eyes.

I sighed. Arguing wouldn't work I had known Jun long enough to know that. So I knew I wouldn't be coming with them.

"Hey if it will make you feel better I'll leavey tarot cards here with you. I normally wouldn't let you play with them but as long as you don't bend them or tear them then I'm happy to please them with you." She said smiling. I smiled back.

"Thanks Jun" I said as she handed me the cards. And with that they flew off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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Axes and Lightning ((Tom x Buzzsaw) Dragons the nine realms)Where stories live. Discover now