Chapter 2: Unwanted thoughts

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Buzzsaw's P.O.V.

It was the morning and buzzsaw knew what his plan of action would be.
Step number one, create backup dragon whistles.
Step number two, use dragon whistle to lure in dragon.
Step number three, train lured in dragons to respond to commands.
Step number four, take down the dragon riders.
Step number five, get out of this damn hole in the ground.
Step number six, sell dragons and profit.
Step number seven, fly around the world on the back of my dragon and prove to everyone that I am the dragon king no-one disrespects me.

It was a good plan and I was sure that it would succeed if I followed it correctly. Best part was it was luck proof. Those dragonriders couldn't keep getting lucky if I kept throwing dragons at them. They love dragons so they won't hurt the dragon's meaning I can keep the dragons attacking them and they'll eventually have to back down and admit defeat. Even that leader of theirs tom would bow before him and admit that he, buzzsaw, would be a better dragon king than that kid. Wait, why did it matter to buzzsaw if Tom thought he would be a good dragon king or not? He's a dumb kid and buzzsaw was a successful lumberjack at such a young age. Why did he care? Then he thought about it. Tom was the leader of a group of people who rode on the back of dragons and could get them to do almost anything. If he admitted that buzzsaw would make a good dragon king then he would be admitting that buzzsaw was better than him. So he pushed it away as his ego talking again. He did like listening to his ego but he did have work to do today so he didn't have time.

So he grabbed the fish that had been grilling over fire and started to eat it as he sat down on the stump of a tree that had fallen over a while before he got there and started to carve another dragon whistle. Out of habit he checked is pockets for sandpaper to smooth the rough wood but yet again he found none. It's been a month since he had first fallen down. In the time that he been down here he'd learnt to appreciate a lot of things. He also realised what he took for granted. He realised that over the years he taking for granted that he had food in the fridge everyday or water running from the tap only now that It was gone and oh how he missed it.

Every morning he would wake up and almost hope that is a bin and dream. That his lumber company haden't burnt down and that he was waking up in his warm dry bed.

That was another thing he took for granted, dry cloths. When you're stuck in a realm with cold temperatures and ice you quickly start wishing for a hot water bottle or a radiator or just a nice warm drink. Sadly none of these thing had been possible for buzzsaw untill recently. While there weren't many things other than dragons down here buzzsaw had found a couple of small animals which happened to have really strong skin so naturally buzzsaw had managed to kill them to make a water bag which he could now fill up with either hot water or water to drink throughout the day.

The moment he realised that he had pretty much jumped for joy at the the fact that he could be warm at night and carry water with him instead of having to break the ice of a water source and then drink the freezing water. Last night it had felt like he was back to square one however it wasn't that bad. He had his brain, he had the things he made and he had a dragon. As long as he used the things he had he would be alright.

"Alright the first few things I need to do is find branches to make a fire for tonight, trap more dragons and look for a way to get metal." I said. Might seem random however if I could get metal I could make weapons I could make tools I could make other things using tools. Once I got metal I could do a lot.

So I set off to start my day.

Tom's P.O.V.

We managed to stop that lunatic buzzsaw last week but I'm still worried. I know people like him, hell Eugene is basically the same person minus the crazy side. Meaning he probably has a very high ego and ridiculous will power to keep going and "win" whatever he thinks winning is. That's actually the scary part to him winning could simply be killing thunder or it could be killin all of our dragons and selling the rest of them to make massive profits.

The others don't think I take this seriously but honestly I think the same about them. They constantly try to tell me that I'm not taking it seriously because of a couple of slip ups here and there which ended up working out in the end. They keep saying their bored or that they want to tell their parents and yet I'm the one who's reckless? D'angelo literally told his dad the first time he found out about dragons even though we told him not to and yet I'm the reckless one? It's like they want the dragons to die.

I have spent hours thinking of plans to stop bad things from happening and then they don't listen to me even though my plans have hours of time put into them and theirs they just think of on the spot. I will admit sometimes I think of mine on the spot too but my point still stands since it's easy to tell when I put the time in and when I don't.

Honestly I kind of wish I never told anyone about the dragons. If no-one else knew I may not know as much but then again the dragons wouldn't be at risk. Why couldn't I have just left well alone.

Who am I kidding I'm me. I was curious and now I'm paying the price by having to stop buzzsaw and dragons like the sky torcher. Who knows what other dragons are out there like the sky torcher too...

"I need to clear my head."

With that I stood up off my bed and walked out of my room. I grabbed a pack of fish nuggets from the fridge on my way out for thunder then left for the cave. Once I got to the sensors I clicked the app on my phone and it deactivated so I could walk through undetected. I kept walking till I got to the cave entrance not even noticing the birds chirping in the trees on my way there.

Once I was in the cave thunder came bounding over to me like a dog would when you get off work early. I scratched under his chin and tossed him a fish nugget as I grabbed my sword incase I needed it and my backpack so that I could bring back samples of plants for "testing for medicinal purposes" incase my friends caught me as an excuse. Once I grabbed all the stuff I needed and got on thunders back and we took off. I felt so much more free the moment our feet left the ground. It didn't feel like the horrible feeling of weightlessness like in space but the beautiful feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins while I just knew that we were climbing higher and higher even though we were still being below the ground.

Every time I flew I thought that I would get used to it but it never got old for me the beautiful feeling of my heart leaping through my chest as I flew through the fissure.

Even though it had been a solid 20 minutes of flying before we got to the ice realm it felt like only 20 seconds. I didn't want to trip the sensors we had set up and let Alex know I was here so I headed for a part of the realm I knew we had no sensors in. It was the very center of the realm. since there were no exits or tunnels in the center of the realm and most of the center was a large ice lake that could hold the weight of fully grown dragons we saw no point in putting censors up there.

As we landed on the lake I checked the ice before thunder lander to see if it had cracks or if it was safe. It looked safe so thunder landed and I got off his back. While I was serious about a lot of things to do with dragons I didn't mind just admiring the beauty of a place every once in a while and the views down here were honestly to die for.

Thunder and I started to walk around and just explore the area. we didn't have much time for exploring any more not between missions and making plans that people never followed... And then they blame me when they don't work... Then I always take the blame because it's easier... Then. No I came out here to clear my head not to get angry. It's not their fault they don't see the work I do so they have no reason to respect my plans since they all go horribly wrong.

What is that up ahead?

Axes and Lightning ((Tom x Buzzsaw) Dragons the nine realms)Where stories live. Discover now