Chapter 2

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Everest climbed a tall mountain that was a waterfall. He looked over to the Willow tree and saw Luna still sleeping; he knew this was his chance. He backed up from the waterfall. He slipped a little from the wet water on top of the waterfall ad he backed up. Everest flapped his wings a little before he took off at a full run. To his luck he slipped again.

Everest tried to stop but couldn't because he started to fall he tried to flap his wings but couldn't. Everest landed with a loud splash in the river. The splash woke Luna up. Luna ran over to where she heard the splash of water and found Everest.

Everest was passed out and barely breathing there were cuts and wounds from his fall. His left wing looked broken; it was bent in many different ways. Luna went behind Everest and grabbed his tail and dragged him out of the river to the dry grasslands. Luna had no effort in her to drag him to the Willow tree so she laid beside him and nuzzled him in the neck.

"Please wake up Everest" Luna whispered to him

Week later

It has been a whole week and Everest still hasn't woken up. Luna has not left Everest's side since the incident. Luna was skinny and sick from not moving and eating.

2 Weeks later

Soon a week left and then it was 2 weeks. Luna was even more sick than usual and Everest was still not awake. One day Everest slowly opened his eyes he was awake.

"I... Knew You will..... be.. o..k" Luna stuttered to say

"YES, I am" Everest replied

He looked over at Luna and saw she was not doing well.

"Are you okay?" Everest asked as he stood up

"Ye...s.... Just a bit.. weak" Luna replied as she stood up but fell back down

"LUNA!" Everest called to her as he caught her before she fell and hurt herself

Everest brought Luna to the Willow tree and laid her down. He stood next to her as he felt the wind in his mane. Tears fell from his face and onto the grass.

"Don't cry..... Everest..... You need..... To stay..... Strong for me" Luna softly said

"How can I stay strong when I know it is my fault that I am losing you?" Everest asked

"Your..... not..... I will always..... Be with you..... Every step..... Of the.. Way" Luna replied

Everest looked down at Luna and he nuzzled her in the neck.

"I will try to stay strong for you, Luna" Everest cried into her neck

"I... Know... You will... I.... Will... meet you again..... Everest... Until then.... Stay Strong" Luna cried as she laid her head back and took her last breath.

Everest fell to his knees as he cried into Luna knowing he is alone. Everest got up, he stood and looked at the far travel he had to go. To find out why he is supposed to be dead and to find a herd to call his own. Everest knew he couldn't stay any longer; he knew Loki would find him. Everest looked at his best friend he lost one last time before he left. He left with pain in his body and heart, He left alone, He left to leave Luna in peace.

To be continued

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