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Evan and Brock had only been dating for a few weeks. Even though they had been friends for years, being boyfriends was a completely different story.

Brock, Nogla, Brian and Evan decided to go on a double date. Since Nogla and Brian had also just gotten into a new relationship with each other as well.

"So when did ya both confess?" Brian asks Evan as the couples walk down the street to a nearby Cafe that was open late.

"Funnily enough it was after a golf it video" Evan chuckled.
"He was super pussed off and we ended up on call for a few hours before I confessed"

Brock smiled
"Yeah, he was shy about it too," Brock teased.

"Was not" Evan blushed, him and Brock's fingers just grazing eachothers. Both men blushed harder.

Daithi grinned yet said nothing as they opened the froggy themed Cafe doors.

They walked up to the counter where a brunette with a streak of white in his hair greeted the group.
"What can I do for you?"

"We're gonna be for here Smii7y, I'll do a hot frog chocolate and macaroons," Daithi smiled.


"A mint log late, please. Ooo and the chocolate chip frog bread!"
Evan and Brock scanned the menu

"Hmm the sunflower lake tea and a coffee cake please" Brock smiled

"A chocolate cup dessert and the mini pond tea" Evan hummed

Smii7y rang them up, Brian happily paid for the group as they made their way to a corner table.

Each of them chatting quietly, enjoying the snacks and drinks of the Cafe.

Evans hand brushed against Brock's but neither moved their hand away. Eventually their hands intertwined as Brian continued telling them about his newest video idea.
"So I was-awwww you feckers are holding hands" Brian teased.

Brock and Evan both blushed and looked away shyly, yet their hands never left the others.

After the Cafe Brock and Evan said goodbye to daithi and brian. They decided to walk to a nearby park which was close to Evans house.

Evan and Brock sat on the swings smiling and talking.
"Hey Evan?"


"Can..I kiss you?" Brock smiled shyly.

Evans' face lit up.
"Y-yeah! Yeah totally" he stammered

Brock leand in shyly, their lips barely touching before Evan leans in as well.

Both men melted into the kiss. There was no magical spark but they both felt safe and warm and needed.

And that's all they really wanted, to be cared for, loved and wanted.

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