Chapter 10, Part 2 - All Things...

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Vul continued speaking with a lumbering, heavy voice, his single red eye never breaking away from Zephyr's stoic features. "I can see that your esteemed title of strongest among the Legend Ranks is more than warranted. I'd never have imagined for a thousand years that you would come so close to ruining my endeavors on your lonesome in such a short span of time. But, as you are now aware, even Mythicals can only do so much against me." The Dusknoir condescendingly motioned towards Zephyr's missing arm. "Especially with a missing limb."

"I've already beat you once before," came Zephyr's retort. "You may be immortal, but what's stopping me from simply beating you again and again?"

"Persistence." Vul answered flatly. "No matter how many times you kill me, I'll just keep coming back more prepared than before. Your fighting style will only grow more familiar to me with time. And you will only grow weaker each time we fight until, unavoidably, you will end up making a mistake which costs you your life." Vul shook his head solemnly. "So long as you continue to oppose me, your death at my hands is inevitable."

"What will it take for you to stop all this?!" Zephyr demanded, refusing to show any visible sign of fear from the Dusknoir's ominous threat. "Think of all the lives which will be cut short by your foolish plan!"

Vul shook his head, then formed two black, crackling balls of energy with both of his gray palms. "Frankly, I'm through with thinking," he muttered. "Dialga must perish."

Despite his lack of an arm, Zephyr managed to swiftly form a bright, blue sphere of concentrated aura with his remaining palm in response. The need for words having run its course, the two Pokémon lunged forwards to clash their respective attacks against one another, the resulting flash of blinding light forcing several Pokémon witnessing the impact to turn away. Wave after wave of raw energy threatened to completely obliterate everything around Zephyr and Vul until the competing orbs burst into a powerful explosion which split the two apart.

Forming another aura-infused staff, Zephyr rushed towards Vul with blistering speeds and began an assault of precise, powerful swings. Despite the incredible force which went into each attack from Zephyr's bone-shaped staff, Vul was able to use his shadow-like speed to narrowly avoid each successive swipe. Infusing his fists in a wave of black-colored energy, the Dusknoir managed to send a blindingly fast punch directly onto Zephyr's right cheek, sending the Lucario stumbling backwards dazedly. Several subsequent attempts to land a powerful kick onto Vul's body would be met by a swift dodge, followed by a barrage of counters to the head and chest. For the first time, Trevor watched with horror as warm blood began dripping from the Lucario's now battered snout.

"Sluggish." Vul muttered contemptuously as Zephyr's fatigue became subtly apparent. "It's obvious that you can't beat me as you are now. Well? Pull out your trump card, already- there's no alternative left for you."

Zephyr paused briefly, then reached into the pocket of his tattered, white robe to pull out a tiny, rainbow-colored stone. Without any kind of reaction, Vul watched as the Lucario's body became covered in a bright light, his body rapidly growing in size as the stone's power became infused with his very essence. Long, tattered locks of flowing hair fluttered elegantly in the wind as they jettisoned from the back of his head. A myriad of jagged, piercing spikes rose from Zephyr's now overgrown fur to complement his growing chest, legs, and remaining arm. With a primordial roar, the Legend finished his transformation and managed to radiate waves of intimidation through his piercing gaze alone.

Without hesitation, Zephyr charged an aura sphere three times its usual size and hurled it straight towards Vul. The Dusknoir's single eye widened in anticipation as the orb exploded into a massive burst of energy which left a gargantuan, smoking crater in its wake. Not a trace of any life remained among the remains of where the explosion had occurred, leading some Pokémon watching to hold out hope that Vul had been completely incinerated in the grand, devastating attack. Zephyr was not so optimistic; upon looking around for any sign of his shadowy opponent, he swiftly found the glint of Vul's red eye hiding from within the shadow of a tree which had been cut down by a Sabelye prior to the battle.

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