Chapter 6

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The redhead and merman duo got back to the former's home, albeit awkwardly. Jung Soo carried all their bought items and carried it to the living room, he placed them down beside the couch before flopping down on the said couch, he was exhausted from their outing.

While the redhead sat down on the farthest side, due to Jung Soo taking up all the space and making said space by lifting his foot up then let them lay on Cale's lap, who doesn't mind it at all.

The redhead has his phone out and proceeded to do what he was doing, when he and the merman were at the mall.


Hey, got a minute?

Mr. Henituse? Is there
something you need?

Yeah, it's about Jung Soo.

Ah! If it's regarding
about him then there
is no need to worry!

Our superiors have
collected enough information
regarding the merfolks and
thus have given them
rights to live amongst the
human society. Amongst us.



Cale was surprised at the information. Jung Soo is allowed to live on land! And his family will be able to do the same!

The redhead felt very happy for the merman and unknowingly to himself as well.


Seriously indeed.

If the merfolks wish to
live on land, then they need
to provide the necessary
procedures to us. It's something
akin to trying to live
permanently in another country,
but it's between the borders of
sea and land.

I see.

Is that all you need to know,
Mr. Henituse?



Satisfied at the information he learnt. Cale turned off his phone, he turned towards Jung Soo and called out to him.

"Jung Soo."


"Jung Soo?"

The redhead called out once again, but he was met with a soft snore from the merman. Jung Soo seemed to have fallen asleep.

Cale let out a sigh, he can tell Jung Soo about the good news tomorrow. The redhead lifted the merman's ankles with a bit of difficulty, before getting out of the couch and carefully laying them back down.

"Geez... how heavy are you?"

The redhead muttered to himself, Cale had a bit of muscles on him, but not as bulky as Jung Soo though. Heck, just trying to lift the merman's ankles made it a bit hard for him. What kind of fishes did Jung Soo eat for him to be this buff and heavy?

Cale also noticed that the merman is taller and bigger than him... damn, he felt small now... plus he remembered the time he got... cuddled by Jung Soo.

Tints of red slowly made it's way onto Cale's cheeks as he recalled that memory. He liked merman's embrace, his whole body felt warm and nice, his bulky arms caging his body oddly made him feel safe, and his broad and firm che-

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