Chapter 3: Explanation

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When I wake up after what felt like days I take in my surroundings. I was in a room that looked like an infirmary, laying on a bed. I sat up and look around to see the guy, what's his name Peter no Percy laying in bed being fed by girl with blonde hair. She was whispering something to him while shoveling spoonfuls of god that looked like pudding into his mouth, but all she got out of him was moaning then he passed out. The girl looked irritated and slammed the bowl of pudding down next to him and grumbled something about him bring a stupid boy and him drooling everywhere. She then picked up the bowl and turned my way to see that I'm awake.
She walked over to me giving me this death glare with her piercing gray eyes. The girl stopped at the foot of my bed and we just stared each other down until she decided to break the silence. "How long have you been awake?" she asks me with a slight attitude. "Long enough to see you whispering to Percy and grumbling to yourself." I reply back. She then stared at me again as if she was trying to read my mind. "Can you stand up?" she asks coolly. "I think so." I say. She then reaches out a hand which I grab and helps me out of the bed, then lets go. I wobble for a few seconds before balancing myself and standing up  straight. "Lets go."she says to me, and starts walking out the door. I scurry after her to catch up and step out into the sun which blinds me and makes me bump straight into the girl. I smile at her sheepishly while she gives me a death glare and starts walking again. I stand up and dust myself off and follow her to a porch. She runs up the stairs and sits at a table next to two men. One of them sits in a wheelchair while the other just sits in a regular chair with a permanent bored face. I walk slowly towards the table and wait for someone to say something. The guy in the wheelchair turns and faces me and I see its the guy from the museum. "Ah, Bernell you're awake, have a seat." he says to me. I slowly pull out a chair and I sit down. "So Bernell, can you tell me what you remember from yesterday?" He asks skeptically. "Um I think so." I say. And then I start recalling the events that took place the day before, from when I was running from the police to fighting the Minotaur. After telling them what happened they just sit there in silence for a few moments. Their silence was starting to make me feel uncomfortable so I decided to speak up. "Are you just going to sit there and not say anything Mr. Banner." I say to him sassily. "Oh I'm sorry dear child I was just thinking, and please call me Chiron, Mr.Banner is my cover up name." he says. Wait did he just say Chiron? "Chiron? as in the centaur that trained Greek Heroes?" I ask questionably. He smiles at me and nods his head. " The very one." he tells me. I look at him for a moment to see if he is playing some type of joke but he isn't. "How is that even possible?" I ask. "Anything is possible young one." He says to me with me with a smile. "So if your Chiron and that thing I fought was the Minotaur does that mean that gods are real?" I ask. "Yes indeed they are, in fact there is one sitting right across from you." Chiron says. I look across the table and look at the guy with a bored face. He's wearing a leopard print shirt, had a round purple face with black hair and looked like one of those guys who would be getting drunk at a party. Putting all the pieces together I figured out who he was. "You're Dionysus the god of wine." He looks up at me with that same bored look and starts to clap his hands slowly. "We finally have a smart person at this camp." he says sarcastically. "Chiron looks at me for a moment and says " how did you know who Mr.D was." I shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know, I sorta guessed." Chiron Nodded his head. "So what is this place?" I asked. "This is camp half blood." He says. I raise an eyebrow up at him. "What's that exactly?" I asked. "You see since gods are real, so are their children. You see, camp half blood is a safe haven where demigods like yourself and dear Ms. chase can train." I slowly nod my head. "So if I'm a demigod, who is my parent?" I ask. "That is undetermined right now, you have to wait to be claimed by your parent." Chiron says to me. "So do you have any questions." he asks. I shake my head no. "Very well, Annabeth give Bernell a tour of the camp and show him where he'll be sleeping. Annabeth nods her head in his direction and takes my wrist and drags off the porch to give me a tour.

Authors note: um hello sorry I haven't updated lately and I'll try to do it more often and I'd appreciate it if you left some comments on the story. Bye

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