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"Elyza?..." Antonio recognized the all-so familiar voice.

What he could hear was stomps, yells, and sobs.

He weakly tried to stand up, Gripping on the table for support.

His vision was blurred from crying, trying to walk without the support for the table until he realized that he could use the wall for support.

He reached out to the doorknob, slightly opening it to see what was outside, making a slight creak.

He looked around to see if there was any scientists. When he checked, he was in relief when there was not a single one of them.

The scientist did not lock the door because he was confident that the test subjects would die, not knowing that Antonio had actually survived the poison that they gave.

Antonio fully opened the door, now that he can walk properly without any support however not run.

It was a perfect chance to run away from the lab.

But he hesistated, he didn't want to leave his siblings in this so-called "hospital".

He quietly made his way across the hallway, tip-toeing so that the scientists, if there was any, could not hear.

He reached an unfamiliar room, he heard people talking. Antonio stayed out of curiosity, knowing he'll be found out anyway.

The head scientists clicked his tongue out of annoyance, seeing that the stuff toy had spilled out his experiment.

His colleague simply laughed it off, viewing his anger as entertainment instead.


"Pfft- hahahahaha! Your anger is quite funny I must say." The woman who is nicknamed Yzza, his colleague, rarely ever took him seriously, causing drama between the two.

"Hoy, baboy mo." (Translation: hey, your pig.) The head scientist picked up the stuff toy and simply threw it at her, not caring for any formalities unlike her.

"You're so nice! You even gave back my stuff toy!" 'Yzza' said.

"I don't care." He simply said. He rose from his seat as 'Yzza' simply giggled.

He reached for the cabinet, only to hear stomps and footsteps of someone running.

Out of curiosity, he left the room as if the incident between him and 'Yzza' never happened.

"Ack!" The boy accidentally tripped on his feet, making a loud noise, catching the head scientist's attention.

"I thought you were dead."


Antonio looked around to see the head scientist giving him nothing but a blank glare. He wasn't even surprised that he managed to survive the experiment.

The head scientist tsked and dragged him into the room.

"My, my! You surely do have a cold heart!" 'Yzza' mocked the head scientist.

"'C-" 'Yzza' got interrupted when  Antonio got slammed into the floor, catching her, who has a very high reaction speed off guard.

"I don't like you calling me by my first name."

"But you always call me by my nickname~ Shouldn't there at least be equality?"

The head scientist simply ignored 'Yzza' and reached out to a syringe in the cabinet.

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