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"Tawnie! I can't tie the ends together," Tuk whined.

True to their promises, Kiri and Tuk joined her weaving class. Tawn was ecstatic seeing both of them at the start of her class.

Kiri didn't need much help since she had learned how to weave before, thanks to her mother, but Tuk, on the other hand, demanded her attention every chance she got. Tawn didn't really mind since she loved helping the little fellow.

"Tuk here, let me help you," Kiri called for her trying to help since Tawn was helping another kid.

Tuk whined at her and begrudgingly gave the bracelet to her sister.

Tawn smiled softly at the adorable pout Tuk had on her face and turned her head to Hapxi, helping him with the necklace he had made.

"Look, you just need to insert the shells into the threads, and there you go. Make sure you hold it with both ends facing upwards," she demonstrated, holding both ends upwards, so the shell didn't slide off, "that way they don't slide off of the thread, okay?" she said gently.

Hapxi smiled at his teacher and nodded before concentrating back on his craft.

Tawn stood up and looked at the other kids. They all seemed to help one another, which greatly helped Tawn. She loved her students so much.

"Guys, make sure to tie up the ends tightly. That way, it wouldn't break so easily," she reminded the children, walking around them and monitoring their work. She noticed two of her students were doing the exact opposite of what she told them to. Tawn smiled, walking to the two tricksters, Al and Kosta, coming to their aid. 

"Okay, let me see what you guys have," she told the two troublemakers, sitting down in front of the two.

They looked at one another sheepishly and presented their crafts to Tawn.

Tawn looked at the messy knot and chuckled slightly. 

"Who do you want to give this to?" she asked Kosta taking the bracelets from his hands.

"My mother," he said bashfully.

Tawn hummed and undid the knot they made, "well, Kosta, if you tie it like this, the bracelet will fall off of your mother's hand when she hunts. You don't want that do you?" she asked, tying it, gently, "you pour your heart and mind into it, but it breaks easily." She finished giving the bracelet to him.

She asked Al, "do you want me to help you knot it too?"

Al nodded his head franticly, making her smile. She did the same to him and gave it to him. "Now you can gift this to your parents or a special someone," Tawn wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

"Tawnie!!!" Tuk cried for her attention.

"Tawnie!!" Kia yelled at the same time, not wanting Tawn to be with Tuk.

Kiri laughed loudly at the obvious competition of trying to get Tawn's attention. 

Tawn sighed, she loved both of them with all her heart, but ever since they met, they've been competing for her attention, and they could be really demanding at times, and it'd end with one of them in tears or in a tantrum. Mostly the latter. 

"Yes, I am here," she said defeatedly.

"I think you both need to split her in half," Kiri joked, watching the kids pull on her hands.

"Please, one at a time. I'm not going to leave you guys alone," Tawn whined. 

Unbeknownst to her, Jake watched the kids fighting over her.

Invisible String - Jake SullyWhere stories live. Discover now