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Time was moving so fast, Tawn quickly extinguished the fire and helped Neteyam set Kiri on her rug. Tawn checked for her pulse, feeling a faint beat on her neck, and then She placed the back of her hand on Kiri's forehead, "she's warm," she noted.

She searched everywhere for Jake, but she didn't see him, he must've been outside. She turned to Neteyam, who was holding onto a crying Tuk in his arms, Tawn looked around for Lo'ak but he wasn't there too.

"Neteyam, can you please get me the Tsahik? Tell her Kiri needs help please," Tawn ordered, walking around the house for a towel.

Neteyam nodded, whispering he'd return to Tuk soon, and ran outside.

She poured some of the water she had boiled before onto a bowl and dumped the towel inside. She returned to Kiri's side, "come with me, Tuk. She's okay, my love," she assured, giving her a small smile.

Tuk sat by Kiri's other side, looking up at Tawn with tears in her eyes and down her cheeks.

She nodded at her, then started working on Kiri's fever. She squeezed the extra water out and placed the warm towel on her forehead, whispering prayers to Eywa in her ear.

"I already called my friends back home; they should be here soon," Jake announced, frantically walking in. He sat beside Tuk and brought her into his embrace.

Tawn smiled sadly at both of them, her heart was beating so fast in her chest, and she was so worried about Kiri. Seeing her lifeless in Neteyam's arms scared her so much.

"I'm sure she's fine," Tawn assured them.

Suddenly Neteyam ran in, followed by Lo'ak behind him, looking around for Kiri.

"What happened to Kiri?" Lo'ak asked, scrambling towards her.

Neteyam sat down beside Tawn, before letting his head fall to his hands, "Rotxo saw it happened, she was connecting with the spirit tree, and then suddenly she started seizing underwater," he said shakily.

Tawn placed her hand on Neteyam's hand, and she squeezed his hand for comfort. She hated this, seeing them so defeated.

"How could that be?" Lo'ak asked no one in particular.

Jake sighed, holding Tuk closer to him, "I called Norm, and he should be here soon with Max bringing some equipment," he explained.

Tawn shifted her focus to Kiri. When Tawn heard Kiri whimpering, she came to her aid, "it's okay, Kiri, your family is here," she soothed, her hand tracing her braided hair.

Tawn spent the rest of the eclipse catering to Kiri. She constantly talked to Tuk and Neteyam to get their mind off their sister. Lo'ak sat quietly beside her the whole time, his eyes occasionally strayed to Jake, who was carefully tending to Kiri.

Tawn ensured all of them were okay throughout the eclipse. 

When the sun peaked into their marui, the sound of a helicopter whirring outside the tent alerted them.

Jake immediately ran outside, followed by Neteyam and Lo'ak. Tawn grabbed Tuk's hand, pulling her towards her legs, keeping her arms on her back.

"Come in, hurry, she's here," Jake ordered, walking in and holding two huge cases before placing them on an open space.

Then not soon after, a strange-looking Na'vi walked behind Jake, and then a demon followed closely.

Tawn couldn't help but let out a loud hiss, pushing Tuk behind her at the strange-looking creature. He was short and had a hair on his face, her eyes followed the two strangers making Norm and Max uncomfortable.

Invisible String - Jake SullyWhere stories live. Discover now