wake up call

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"You better not be sleeping during MY DETENTION" Mrs. Schwarzenberger shrieked in a shrill, harsh voice. Her ruler banged against my desk giving me a rattling headache. I rubbed my forehead as if that could help and stared at her merciless eyes, if hell exists, CLEARLY this woman would be the warden. Heck, I'd go as far to say the devil is afraid of her. She scoffed at me and walked straight to her desk immediately  "and none of you should even  try  that, understood" she stared coldly at the class."yes, madam" everyone groaned in disappointment, even worse is that lunch is 30 minutes and we're only 10 minutes in, this is the worst detention EVER. So I looked around and noticed a pen on my desk and a small notebook i carried from home, so i doodled and drew a bunch of silly stuff on it, those weird "S" symbols and some eyes with really nice eyeliner. I was starting to get into the gist of drawing, soon i was even drawing faces and people. I checked my phone and now its 12:50, just 10 minutes left of detention. I looked around sneakily watching if Mrs. Schwarzenberger could notice me. I got an AMAZING idea, why don't i make a drawing to make Isabelle laugh, she was seated just right next to me anyway. I sat down and came up with an idea, then drew sponge bob in a bikini on one of the pieces of paper and tore it off, passed it on to Isabelle. She looked at it and giggled at it then passed it over to Aubrey, she looked at it, looked back at Isabelle and doodled something on the paper  she then passed it on to Kyle. He stared at it, then started to laugh, stiffing it with his hand. Suddenly Mrs.Schwarzenberger rose up from her seat and walked straight to Kyle. She then snatched the paper away from him, glanced at it appalled. "who drew this." she demanded as she glared accusingly at him. He shifted in his seat a bit then muttered "i did", I was shocked, it was clearly drawn by me by me. "No, I did" I said, barely holding my ground as she stared harshly into my eyes. "I did too" Isabelle joked, boldly, she didn't waiver at her glare. "I guess I'm involved too" Aubrey laughed as we looked at the stupidity we got ourselves in on the first day of school.

"Well, in that case, ALL of you can pay consequences for it " Mrs. Schwarzenberger hissed "all of you will pin it on the school announcements board by end of day" as she handed a pin to Kyle. Suddenly, the bell rang, FINALLY lunch is over, no more detention for us. "Zawadi, this is all your fault" Isabelle laughed as we walked out "at least now we have something to do i guess". I chuckled slightly as we walked quickly to look for the announcements board. Down the hall, opposite to the principals office was the announcements board. I can tell this was not gonna be easy.

We looked blankly at the task ahead, pinning a drawing of sponge bob in a bikini, on the school announcements board. I'm sorry, the PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE, clearly Mrs.Schwarzenberger is an EVIL woman for that move. "So, now what do we do" Kyle frowned upon realizing if the principal sees that we're DOOMED.  "And even worse is that this is our FIRST day, the teachers surely are NOT gonna be impressed by this"I mentioned anxiously, grabbing the piece of paper to see what Aubrey added,I immediately noticed she gave him false lashes, makeup and a wig, classic. "How about we just wait until end of school?" Isabelle questioned "or we could just wait until the principal leaves". I thought for a bit, its lesson time, so the principal must be busy right now, so if we pin it on the board and run, nobody would even notice. So I took the pin from Kyle, marched as seemingly fearlessly as i could to the announcements board and quickly walked away as quickly as i could while the others stared. "Well" I said "doesn't help if you guys just stand there" trying to urge them to run to class already already. They laughed it off and joined me, "Well, that's also a solution, huh?" Kyle joked about it. "We should hurry up, we're late to class" I retorted pointing to the time on my phone "1:15, we're 15 minutes late". We went on to class, and walked in to notice the teacher hadn't come yet, which to be fair is good luck for us because we'd TOTALLY be in trouble if he arrived.

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