I was never good at sports...

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My mind shuttered at the thought of her name. This... this couldn't be happening, after all this pain it all circles back to her. The memories flooded in, melancholically leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I glanced up from my feet to look at Aubrey and Isabelle, the grief realization hitting them as they stared at me in sympathy. Though it was noisy with girls bouncing balls and clamoring loudly at the game, the room was filled with an eerie silence that made my heartbeat go still. I took a breath holding back my tears as they stung bitterly behind my eyes, prickling as they fought to find an escape. I didn't even hesitate to walk straight to the bleachers, where I've always been. My friends made a walk towards me, worrying slightly on how I would be.

"Listen Zawadi, I know that it was horrible last year, but trust me it will get better." Isabelle assured as Aubrey clung close to me, trying to console me though my heart felt inconsolable. I took a heavy breath as the air in my chest was weighed down by this unexpected turn of events. I could feel the dark cloud looming over my head, blurring away my thoughts as I sat alone on the bleachers holding back bitter tears. Aubrey's warmth emanated from her, she held my hair back, pushing the braids off my shoulder as I tried to breathe. Lilah started all of this, Lilah is why I'm even standing here could only echo through my mind as the memories were water thrusting through the crack of a dam's wall, it could only have been held back for so long.

"Excuse me, why are you three not playing?" the coach interjected bitterly as she stood there looking at us holding a basketball impatiently in her hands. "I'm a bit sick coach, is it ok if I take a break" I uttered as my head spun round the room. She looked at me carefully "Okay, but you two are gonna play" she asserted as she pointed at Aubrey and Isabelle. I watched them as they did basketball drills the whole lesson. I couldn't help but think about Lilah and the dizziness that seemed to engulf me. A bloody, cold, painful shiver vibrated from my bones as I noticed strange ache all over me.  The clamors of everyone else excitedly bouncing balls seemed to humble itself to a murmur. The lesson seemed to last longer than I anticipated, I hopelessly lay on the bench as a headache began to form, clustering across my temples as I tried to ignore it.

Finally it ended, I waited patiently for Aubrey and Isabelle, tiring at the thought of the rest of the day. We finally made it out, walking back to class, Aubrey and Isabelle kept their eyes on me, concerned about my every move. In silence, we finally made it to class, Mrs. Lea gladly received us and closed the door. We finally sat next to Kyle snoozing on his desk, seemingly oblivious to what was gonna happen next. A dark cloud loomed over my thoughts, I felt like the world was spinning round endlessly as worry consumed my thoughts

"Class, I stopped by to introduce you to a student who just came in today, she called in sick yesterday so sadly she didn't come yesterday" She announced, pausing to take a glance at Lilah "You  can introduce yourself now." Aubrey gently tapped on Kyle's shoulder, he woke up almost drunkenly "What went on, Lilah?" he questioned "What is she doing here-". The chat ended with a sharp, distinctive voice cutting through.

"My name is Lilah Carter, and I'm glad to meet you all" she gave a false smile to the audience, perplexed by this mysterious figure, one thing is for sure, she definitely made PLENTY of  enemies in this class. Walked by me and sat down by the empty desk behind me. The dark cloud loomed even heavier on me as the moments passed by, leaving me nauseous in confusion.

"Did you raid the thrift store with that outfit?" she bitterly whispered under her breath to me "clearly you haven't gotten a better sense of style since the last time I saw you". I didn't even turn around from my desk, I'm not going to feed into her silly games."You shouldn't be talking considering that you looked homeless the last time we saw you." Isabelle fiercely spat back at her. I looked at her and noticed she seethed while a flash of hurt dimly shone from behind her eyes "Whatever anyways"  she rolled her eyes and threw some books from her bag to her desk.

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