The Celebration - Part 1

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Anya and her parents eagerly began their walk towards the City gates of Grodlem, passing their exultant neighbours on the way; exchanging smiles and pleasantries. From a distance, the faint sounds of melodic music could be heard. Ceremonial drums, lush strings and wind instruments flew through the lively air, travelling along the bustling crowds that were ascending into Grodlem.

Anya held her stomach as it began to twist, knotting up with each step she took towards the tall gates, her heart pounding to the deep base of the drums; feeling it move throughout her body. She could not believe the amount of people around her, having never been around this many people at once. Come to think of it, she had never even seen this many people all in one place in her entire life.

The palm of her hands began to sweat as she looked at the old and new faces amongst the crowd.

She glanced up at her parents, both in their own world as they moved carefree throughout the crowds, holding onto one another's hand. Anya grabbed hold of the sleeve to her mothers coat, giving it a small tug.

"Is everything okay, snapper?" asked her mother, resting her hand on her daughter's back, tilting her head; a worried look passing her eyes.

"I didn't realise there would be this many people here. Never even seen some of em before" Anya stated quietly, making eye contact with her mother before looking at those in question.

"What's that sweetie?" her mother moved in closer, her arm slinking around Anyas' shoulders, where it came to rest on the top of her arm.

"I said, I didn't realise there would be this many people here" said Anya, her voice slightly raised.

Her mother looked at her, smiling softly as she squeezed Anyas' arm. She took her eyes off her daughter and looked around.

"I s'pose it is pretty busy. People from all over Mulrich have come to see the Royals as well. Don't worry though, once we go through the gates it won't feel as cramped. Look..." She pointed to the entrance of the City. "Almost there now".

"It's just a lot to take in," Anya mumbled, shrugging slightly, causing her mothers arm to fall from where it had been, wrapped around her daughter's shoulders. Her mothers' eyes faltered.

"Don't tell me a big young woman like yourself is scared of a little crowd" Her father came over and stood next to Anya, grabbing hold of her hand. He laughed slightly, taking his other hand, resting and cocooning it over Anyas. "You'll be fine. Just think, look how close you are to that castle. I know you can't go in, but...who says you can't get as close as you can, ey?" He gave her hand one last squeeze before letting go.

Anya smiled weakly. "I'm ok, I'm ok. Just not used to it is all.'' She gave her parents a forced toothy smile, sliding her hand from her fathers grasp, then faced back towards the entrance of Grodlem; moving forward, creating distance between them.

Lena gave Alister a look, and was met with one back in return.

"Why would you mention the castle?" Lena whispered, exasperated, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head. Alister shrugged in response, causing Lena to sigh and roll her eyes, holding up her hand towards her husband.

"Oh! Here. The permit" Alister rummaged around in his coat pocket, pulling out a creased piece of paper. Handing it over to his wife.

"Look at the bloody state of it, Al!" she said, trying to flatten it.

"It's old, whatcha want me to do about it." Lena gave him a stern look, not being able to hide the corner of her mouth tilting upwards. "Ah! Don't forget to let Vin know that I'll be following not long after you, with the Roseworns." Alister took hold of Lenas' hand, caressing the back of her fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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