Chapter 25

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“Holy damn it’s looking like a fuckin’ zombie orgy right now!” Werster shouted, stepping out of the building and seeing all the infected running around in the plaza.

Some were running around aimlessly, others were crowding around the body of the fallen FWR member and practically fighting over it, and others were all tangled up, having seemingly ran into each other.

“Looks like maybe twenty or thirty-something out there,” Bea said, “What do you think we should do, Werst?”

A huge smile came upon his face. “I’ve got just the thing.”

He grabbed a small pack that was wrapped around him, and took out a small, oval shaped object. It was made of metal, with thin yellow lines wrapping around it.

“Holy shit, when’d you get that?”

“We had it in storage. Only used for emergency situations, didn’t ya know Bea?”

Bruce gawked at it with a curious look on his face.

“Oh, you wanna know what this is, Brucey boy?” Werster waved it around in his face, “Good ol’ fracture grenade. They just gave it a new look.”

“You’re gonna blow ‘em up?” One of the other members asked, excitement lacing their voice.

“Fuck yeah!”


“Stand back, don’t wanna get singed.”

He took a deep breath and huffed out, then darted ahead. He activated the grenade by pressing a button on its side, then chucked it at the unsuspecting crowd of infected. He immediately turned around and bolted away, giving a thumbs up to the group.

The raucous explosion that followed nearly made him fall from the force, and several infected were flung away in a blazing glory. Body parts were littered around, some lit on fire. Blood was splattered into the concrete. The surviving infected consisted of ones crawling on the ground and those that didn’t have their legs blown off or injured all skittered away.

“Fuck yeahh!!!” Bea cheered along with the rest of the group minus Bruce.

Werster pulled out his gun and picked off the remaining writhing infected, but he noticed that there were some infected watching him from a distance, hiding behind trash cans and benches and whatever else they could find. He knew they noticed him, but didn’t charge forward.

“The fuck…?” He muttered to himself.

He then heard the sound of very deep, heavy-sounding buzzing. It sounded like a fly.

It didn’t take him very long to notice the source of the noise, spotting a gigantic bug floating around him. It resembled a mosquito, but with its abdomen abnormally swollen and filled with a cyan colored fluid.

His face contorted in disgust upon seeing it, and he backed away as it seemingly dived for him.

“What the fuck is that!?” He shouted, making sure to keep his distance.

Suddenly, the abdomen burst open with a loud, squishy sounding noise.

Werster yelped and tried to dodge the giant blob of pulpy fluid that was flung his way. He managed to block it with his arm, but quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped it off. He muttered curses under his breath, his skin stinging from the fluid.

The force behind the initial burst split the insect in half and it plopped to the ground. Werster continued mumbling curses, profusely wiping as his skin was left red.

“What was that?” Bea shouted, running up to him and looking at the red mark on his arm.

“I don’t know!” Werster rolled his sleeves up. “But that’s weird. Other things infected? Fucking mosquitoes too? Or whatever the hell that was?” He rolled up his sleeves to scratch at his mark. “Fuck, it’s itchy.”

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