The Loud Silence

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Hello my lovelies, hopefully you guys are all well! I am sooo sorry i haven't update in like, FOREVER!( I have been super busy :(! ) I recently have gotten so many of your comments for updating which is so nice of you and i am really glad you guys love the story! So thank you so so much everyone! ALSO I HAVE SOMETHING EXCITING TO SHARE! So basically if anyone wants to ask me questions about the book for the characters or to ask me personal questions i am going to be having a Q and A as the next chapter and with that i will be posting the next 2 chapters of this book so send them in plzzzz! But before that here is the next chapter ENJOY ! :)

The end of the week was finally here as I headed down to last period on Thursday. The bet was finally going to end first thing tomorrow. I was completely exhausted from all of Luke's persistent attempts to try to get me to speak but yesterday he finally started getting used to my new attitude and stopped bugging me. So I'm happier now, I guess.

"Hi, Naomi!" Louis waved and smiled at me as I entered the class.

"Hey, Louis," I smiled back and took the seat next to him. I've been talking to Louis a lot more this week and I really got to know more about him.

"You will never guess what happened to me today," Louis said, getting pumped up for his usual storytelling. He started spilling out his vibrant nonsense while my attention turned to Luke who was talking to Aria. Yes, that Aria. They were actually talking a lot this week since he had no one else to talk to, with me only speaking to Louis, and the rest of the boys going off flirting with a bunch of girls, trying to get dates for the dance. "Hello? Naomi?" Louis waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. I was zoning out again," I apologised, snapping back to reality.

"Are you okay? This whole week you've been so distant and less energetic," Louis stared at me with a concerned look.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired," I reassured him.

"You haven't been talking to Luke," Louis observed.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I guess so," I said. I tried to look nonchalant about it but I really did feel kind of ... What's the word? Empty.

Louis stared at me, unconvinced. I should be happy now, with me always talking to Louis without being interrupted by Luke or Aria. Things are finally going the way it should go.

"Well, if you're feeling better, I wanted to ask you something," Louis said, leaning in closer.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I was wondering ... Uhm, will you go to the dance with me?" he asked, keeping his gaze at his desk. I completely froze in the moment. Did ... Did Louis really just - "As friends!" he blurted out, finally meeting my eyes. "Uh, the boys are making me go and they're going to make fun of me for the rest of my life if I don't have a date,"

Oh. That makes sense. That makes way more sense! I was kind of freaking out there, reality seemed extremely unrealistic during those six seconds.

"Oh okay. I'd be glad to go with you," I answered. Louis looked relieved and greatly happy.

"Thanks so much, Naomi! I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight," he chirped. I smiled and nodded back at him before he excitedly ran up to the boys. I glanced at Aria just to be hit with Luke's stare. I wonder if he heard us ...

After class ends everyday, I usually head to the library and read stuff for half an hour and then walk home to avoid Luke. Today I was considering going straight home since I was tired and Luke was finally getting used to me ignoring him but I grabbed my bag and headed to the library just to be safe.

I used to always love mystery and sci-fi books when I was younger but during this week after school, I've found myself walking towards the romance section. I enjoyed looking through the cute covers of couples holding hands or lying in the grass. And the story lines were always so unrealistically romantic: it never ceased to amuse me somehow.

I set my bag down on the floor and went into the romance aisle. My fingers brushed through the spines of tons of books resting on the shelf. I picked one off randomly and opened the book, reading the first page.

"Found you!" I heard someone say before I was slammed against the shelf, causing me to drop my book in the process.

I was about to scream before I looked up and saw Luke, pinning my arms to the shelf and trapping me with his own body.


There were so many things I wanted to say (scream) at that moment but all I could do was agonisingly stare at him, putting in as much anger into my eyes as I could. "Okay. You haven't been talking to me all week and it's all going to end right now. Tell me what's wrong," he said, solemnly, staring straight at my angry eyes.


I tried putting that message into my eyes but I just don't think Luke was getting it. "Did I do something? Did you find out about ..." Luke's voice slowly faded and I tilted my head to show that I had no idea what he was talking about. And that I don't care about his stupid nonsense and I want him to leave. "So you're still giving me the silent treatment, huh? Well I'm not letting go until I hear you say at least one word," Luke declared. Ugh, this is just great.

Whatever. I'll wait then. There's no way I'm gonna crack so easily. I'll stand here all day if I have to. Plus the library closes in an hour and a half. And Luke's patience is as large as a peanut. "Come on, I miss your voice," Luke said softly. I flinched as I felt his breath reach my cheeks. My heart was racing like crazy and I quickly realised that this is a very bad situation.

Luke leaned in even closer and gently spoke, "How about this? If you don't speak in the next ten seconds, I'll kiss you,"

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