Chapter 9

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Huo Jue originally thought that after opening that post, there must still be a bunch of messy and unsightly things behind it. These people usually act like normal people in front of him, but what are they pretending to be secretly? ?

Huo Jue leaned back against the pillow and bent one long leg, put his hand on his knee, flipped to the post with the other hand and slid directly to the last floor. Unexpectedly, the development of things was completely different from what he thought.

The replies on the latest page are all "...", the atmosphere is not at all joyful at the beginning, and I don't know what happened.

Huo Jue turned up and saw the reason.

The host who disappeared after posting the post suddenly came back with a new message.

115L[LZ]: Very well, you guys managed to arouse my anger. Since you don't care about his character, what about his grades?

116L[LZ]: [Screenshot][Screenshot][Photo]

The two screenshots are the chat records between the host and another person. The other person seems to be a student at the school before Cheng Wanlin transferred. I said it all about not getting close to anyone.

If these chat records are not convincing, the last photo is the ranking list taken by the other party for their school's latest exam announcement.

The last one on the ranking list was Cheng Wanlin's name.

No matter how excited everyone was about a transfer student with an unknown background, a scumbag, and a bad character, most of the interest was extinguished now.

Huo Jue knew that Cheng Wanlin was not good at studying, so he wasn't too surprised, but he really didn't expect it to be so bad, which made him feel a little suspicious.

At this time, Huo Jue suddenly heard a knock on the door, he went to open the door, and found his mother standing in front of his door holding a bowl of white lotus seed soup.

"I won't eat it."

"Who will eat it for you? It's a good idea," Mrs. Huo said, and she pointed to Cheng Wanlin's room next door, "Send it to my neighbor." Huo Jue: ...


started He thought it was his mother who found out that Cheng Wanlin hadn't eaten dinner, but then she denied this idea. She probably hasn't found out yet, otherwise she wouldn't have such an attitude towards him.

And what his mother is holding now should be supper.

"You're not afraid to make people fat."

"It's better to be fatter. My neighbor is too thin. Now is the time to grow up. I just need to add more nutrition, otherwise how can I keep up with my energy for study. This is me. Let Mrs. Chen cook it specially, and it contains medicinal materials, which can also beautify the skin."

Huo Jue: ...

Goddamn beautifies the skin.

She's really a goddamn adoptive daughter-in-law.

Seeing her son leaning against the wall with an unwilling face, Mrs. Huo couldn't help but stuff the bowl into his hand, "Stop talking nonsense and go!" It doesn't work if you don't send it.

Huo Jue looked at the lotus seed soup in his hand, he has always been insensitive to such sweet things, only omega would like them.

He glanced at Cheng Wanlin's room, walked to the door, and knocked on the door.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no sound from inside. Huo Jue pressed the doorknob, but unexpectedly the door opened directly.

Without thinking about it, he walked in directly.


Huo Jue just said a word before his voice stopped abruptly. Seeing the scene in front of him, he turned around abruptly.

The door of the bathroom in the room was open, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness inside, and there was still hot mist running out, and the room was full of the aroma of shower gel. Obviously, the owner of the room had just taken a shower.

When Huo Jue entered the door just now, what he saw was Cheng Wanlin standing in front of the desk and putting on his coat. The coat was only half worn, and it stopped there for some reason. His slender waist was exposed, and his white and straight legs were also exposed. It was exposed, and the lower |half| was wearing a pair of underwear.

Cheng Wanlin came back to his senses when he heard Huo Jue's voice.

When he was getting dressed, he wanted to take a look at a book by the way, but he accidentally read it and forgot that the clothes were not finished. He pulled down the hem of his coat, put on the clothes, and then said, "OK It's gone."

Huo Jue turned around after hearing this, and saw that Cheng Wanlin was completely dressed, but the picture just now was always in his mind.

Huo Jue suddenly became a little confused.

Cheng Wanlin actually didn't think there was anything wrong with them. After all, before they were adults, they were not much different, and since they were not girls, it didn't matter if they didn't dress well.

There was a faint fragrance of pear blossoms in the air, Huo Jue saw the practice questions and draft paper on his desk, he put the lotus seed soup on Cheng Wanlin's desk, turned around and went out without saying anything.

After returning to the room, Huo Jue closed the door. He had completely calmed down, but after a while, he still felt that he could smell the fragrance of Cheng Wan's neighbor's room, and his sense of existence became clearer.

Huo Jue suddenly realized that it was not the smell of shower gel, but the smell of Cheng Wanlin's omega pheromone.

The boy who posted here opened the post again, intending to read the reply.

Originally, when he saw the development trend before, he planned to pretend that he had never posted that post. He didn't expect that he had a friend who knew Cheng Wanlin. After seeing the photos he posted in the group, he approached him and told him about Cheng Wanlin. He immediately exposed what was known to everyone in their school without any psychological burden.

Sure enough, after posting it, those people who praised him disappeared in an instant. Instead, there appeared a few people who believed what he said in the main building.

The boy opened the post and turned to the latest reply with a happy mood, but the reply he saw made his eyes go dark again in an instant.

135L: The host is sick?

boys:? ? ? ? ?

136L: The landlord is sick +1, so he treats you coldly. The landlord stands on the commanding heights of morality. He found out all the information before he transferred to another school, and he thought he was very powerful? Do you want to boast that you are awesome, everyone in the world is your mother?

137L: The poster is sick + 2. Originally, I liked Qingkong quite a lot, and I would recommend it to my classmates before. I really didn't expect there to be such a person as the poster. I'm speechless. It seems that the poster's grades must be very good, right? I look down on those with bad grades so much :)

138L: The literature club only has those few people, plus good grades, I can find out who the host is by the method of elimination.

139L: Don't forget to add another condition upstairs, ugly.

140L: Hahahahahahahahahahaha

141L: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha o(≧▽≦)ツ

142L: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


150L: Hahahaha or or or hahahahahahahaha, the upstairs is too bad! I like! The landlord is probably dying of anger now 233333

The boy couldn't help but close the post after seeing this, and threw away his phone.

He couldn't understand why things didn't go in the direction he thought. Are these people out of their minds?

He saw a mirror on the table, took it over and looked at it, and then threw the mirror away, a little suspicious of life.

Damn, is it really because he is ugly?

The next day, during recess, Huo Jue was absent, and Cheng Wanlin was writing notes, when the girl in front of him was suddenly replaced by another person, and he saw from the corner of his eye that she was wearing a giant purple sweater.

Bai Ran also read that post last night. At first, he just read it casually. Later, he wanted to read gossip. After all, it's not every day that you have the opportunity to read gossip about a boss like Huo Jue. That's why everyone is so enthusiastic about this post. The reason for Le Dao.

In the end, he didn't expect that the landlord would suddenly reveal his grades and make mocking remarks, and he immediately exploded.

Looking at Cheng Wanlin's appearance, he guessed that he must not know, so he talked to him. The fact that someone is judging you behind your back is disgusting.

Unexpectedly, when he finished speaking, Cheng Wanlin just paused for a second, without raising his head, and said very calmly: "No more ?


Said, "I reckon that person must be one of the group of people who stopped you downstairs in the teacher's office yesterday. And I'm overwhelmed by the logic. I want to pull you to do free labor, but you don't agree, but you still beat you up." , I should have beaten them up yesterday."

Cheng Wanlin said: "It's okay, let them talk."

"Aren't you angry?"

"There's nothing to be angry about, what you're telling is the truth."

Bai Ran watched Cheng Wanlin keep arranging notes, and he didn't look up and talk to him distractedly during the whole process. If it wasn't for this, maybe he would still believe what Cheng Wanlin said, but now in his eyes, Cheng Wanlin really It's not like the kind of ignorant person mentioned in the post.

At this time, a classmate suddenly yelled: "Cheng Wanlin, someone is looking for you!"

Cheng Wanlin just finished writing the last word, covered the pen cap, and then looked out the door. There was a girl standing outside the door, It was the girl who wanted to ask him to take pictures at the beginning that day.

Cheng Wanlin got up from his seat and walked to the door.

"Is there anything else?"

The girl apologized as soon as she opened her mouth: "I'm sorry, I don't know if you saw that post, but it really wasn't our intention."

Cheng Wanlin said flatly, "Yes."

The girl said, "I... we now have a solution that can help you restore everyone's impression. After all, you certainly don't want to be discussed, but it is still the one we proposed at the beginning. We will help you write an interview..."

" No need." Cheng Wanlin didn't expect that they hadn't given up on this matter, and even turned a corner to ask him to agree, but this matter was not necessary to him from the beginning, it was at the beginning, and it is the same now.

The girl did not give up and said, "Why?"

Cheng Wanlin said, "I'm really not free.

" After being a good student, she really doubted whether Cheng Wanlin was deliberately putting on airs in front of them and looked down on them.

No matter what, the girl had no choice but to leave discouraged in the end, but as soon as she left, she met a person at the corner stairs.

"Meeting, president?"

The girl is the vice president of the literature club, and she knows Huo Jue, but now she inexplicably thinks of the gossip about Cheng Wanlin and Huo Jue mentioned in that post, and wonders if Huo Jue knows about that post , she actually felt a little guilty.

Maybe it's normal for Cheng Wanlin to look down on them...? After all, his man is Huo Jue, who is super addicted.

Huo Jue responded lightly to the girl, and then went upstairs.

When he returned to the classroom, Huo Jue saw that Cheng Wanlin had returned to his seat, and was reading the book for the next class. He glanced at the back of Wanlin's neck covered by his collar.

He happened to overhear the conversation between Cheng Wanlin and that girl just now, which means that Cheng Wanlin should also know about last night's post.

But looking at Omega's current appearance, it seems that it has not been affected at all.

Huo Jue suddenly felt that Cheng Wanlin's studies seemed to be coming for real.

However, it is also possible that by acting to him, he got himself involved.

But studying is not a three-minute hot thing, he looks at the homework of the late neighbor during the process.

too poor.

The author has something to say: There is a saying, don't underestimate the enemy.

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