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Who would've thought that she'd find herself here again. At the same place they ended things. At the same place they had their first kiss. At the same place they promised each other forever.

y/n was walking down the streets of Korea as her mind wondered off into endless thoughts. Pain screeching through her heart as she walked past a building.

This wasn't any ordinary build. This was their building. She couldn't just shake off all the feelings and emotions inside her whenever she came past here. a little bit of her heart gets left behind all the time.

They weren't the perfect couple but they also weren't the worst. There were so many things they wanted to do together and so many thing they worked on together. and in the end, the split wasn't even their choice... well for the most part.

Y/N always knew the drawbacks of having an idol boyfriend. So many times she was told not to go for it and that it wouldn't work out. Regardless, she cared about him so much that not trying would be her biggest regret and she knew. And it all ended up backfiring on her. 

Once their manager found out about her and Mark's relationship, it was over.


I was still stood outside the building when I heard a voice from behind me.
"so when were you going to tell me"
the moment I heard his voice was the moment my throat got caught. I refused to see him because it would've been so hard. I would've started crying just by looking at him. So i didn't answer him.

"Y/N" Mark called out once more and when i didn't answer he caught on that i didn't want to face him. He knew me all too well.

"You know" he began and he slowly took steps closer to me. I could feel the wind gushing behind me and hear the his steps getting closer.
"it's crazy that after everything, i still love you. Please just turn around so we can talk." Mark's voice was starting to crack up a bit and that didn't go unnoticed by me.

He grabbed one of my shoulders and turned me around. The moment I saw his face, a tear rolled down my cheek. I looked up and our eyes met, both with reddened eyes.

Mark came even closer to press both of his hands on my cheeks and wiped the tears away.
"Look at you... crying before having said any words. I guess some things really don't change, huh?" he said with a smile because he couldn't ever stand seeing his girlfriend- his ex-girlfriend sad.

He most definitely succeeded and he could tell when her lips rolled up to form a smile. She missed this. She missed the way he'd always light up her days.

"Stop that." she pushed his hands away while still smiling.

There was a moment of silence before Mark spoke up again.
"Why didn't you tell me what my manager did, y/n" He just stared down at her while she looked down to the ground. Contemplating on what to say.

After a few minutes of silence she still didn't answer and Mark once again spoke.

"Would that have been able to change anything? you know they hold so much power over you and your group." she finally answered

"That doesn't mean we couldn't have worked together to figure something out. I loved you so much i would've done anything for you."

He saw that she was still avoiding eye contact so he brought his hand to gently wrap around her chin and bring her head up. In doing so, she looked up and they stared into each other's eyes.
"you know i would have" mark finished.

"That's the problem, Mark. I know you would've done anything for us to be together. Of course I know that. That's why I couldn't let you. You don't understand that your career could have ended just by being with me." She removed his hand from her chin.

Wouldn't that be so much better? we'd get to be together away from the public. I would've made that choice a thousand times."

"no, it wouldn't have been better. How can i be happy knowing that you left your entire dream?" she replied and he stayed quiet.

Mark knew she was right he just didn't know what to say that could bring her back. He doesn't want to have to make a choice between the woman he loves and his career.

Mark took a big sigh before replying.
"I just- I don't know how to get you back, y/n. It's been nearly a year and i still can't forget about you." a tear strolled down his cheek.

This time she was the one who placed her two hands on either side of his face wiping away his tears.

"please don't cry. You'll only make leaving harder." when she said that, Mark took both his hands and placed them on top of hers. He leaned forward and placed his forehead on hers too.

Their faces were so close they could hear each other's breath. He wanted to take the chance, he didn't want it to just go by. His lips slightly brushed on hers and he spoke against her lips.
"please don't leave. I love you"
and with that he closed the gap between them.

She didn't reject him at all. Instead, she removed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. While his own hands came and held her waist.

They never thought they'd be here again.
"I love you too"

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