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It was nearly midnight and she was laying in her bed watching a movie. Mark had told her he was going out with the boys so she was waiting till he went back home. Making sure that he made it home safe.

She heard her phone ring and saw that it was Johnny calling.
"Hey, uhm i'm sorry for calling you so late. We just got home but Mark is dead drunk and is being a little piss baby. He keeps asking for you"
"Jesus. Can you put him on the phone, please"
"yeah hold on"

Mark was laying on the couch and Johnny put the phone to his ear. Mark didn't even move his arm to hold the phone.
"Mark, what's going on"
"Babyyyyyy, i miss you" Mark said with a whiney voice. He grabbed the phone the instant he heard her voice.

"what a little baby" Johnny whispered to himself as he walked off.

"Are you okay? What's up with you? How much did you drink?"
"I just drank a little bit. Don't worry, my love. I just really wanna see you."
"what am i going to do with you huh. You make me worry so much"
"I know, i'm sorry. Can you come over, please?" Mark asked her in a groggy voice since he was getting tired.
"Fine, i'll be there in 10"
Mark was excited to hear that she was coming. Because of the tour he hasn't been able to see her for 3 months. They had just got back tonight but the team wanted to go out for some drinks. But he drank a little too much and didn't make it to her.

*ding dong*
Mark got up to the door and opened it. The moment he saw her, he embraced her. Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly as his arms wrapped around her waist.
"I missed you so much" Mark mumbled into her shoulder.
"I missed you too, pretty boy. But can we go inside?"

Mark pulled her inside and dragged her arm. Slightly tumbling from his lack of balance because of the alcohol. Her following him to his room.

The moment they got into the room, he turned around and picked her up. Laying her on the bed as he laid in between her legs. Mark rested his head on her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair.

She missed this. She missed laying with him, she missed touching him, she missed his presence, she missed everything.

"You know...I came all the way here and I didn't even get a kiss. I don't think I was missed enough"
Mark jerked his head up and made eye contact with her. Then looked down at her lips and leaned in, closing the gap between them. She giggled after he pulled away.

"I can't believe I survived 3 months away from you." Mark said as his lips brushed against hers.
"Me too" she said as she kissed him once more. This time when she tried to pull away, Mark pushed back and kissed her more.
"The alcohol...i can smell it" she said as they both laughed

Her hands trailed down to the back of his neck while his hand came and cupped her cheek. Their lips fit together so perfectly as they moved in sync. There was no where else they'd rather be.

They both pulled away for air. He quickly pecked her cheek before laying back down on her chest. He wrapped his arms around her torso. As her own hands retook their place going through his hair.

"How was the concert hmm?"
"Can we finish this conversation tomorrow? I just wanna lay here and sleep for the night. It's been a long day."
"Of course, my love. I'm proud of you, goodnight"
"Goodnight baby"

And he didn't miss the way she kissed his forehead before they both drifted to sleep.

Literally within 10 minutes passing she heard him speak

"you know that you're so comfortable"
"didn't you just say you wanted to sleep?"
"Yeah but i can't so i wanna talk to you. My lovely lovely lovely girlfriend" His words were slurred and she knew he was barely hanging on.

This was always how he was whenever he got drunk. The clingiest person you'd have ever met. But she thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Since you're still up, come on. Get up so you can brush your teeth and get changed." She said to him as he shook his head no.

"Come on, or else I'll never come here again"
He got up so quickly that he stumbled and fell on the floor.

She laughed at him and got up to help him up.
"My silly boy. Come on" She grabbed his hands and led him to the bathroom.

She put toothpaste on his toothbrush and handed it to him. "Can y-you bwrush my teeth for me?" Mark asked as his eyes were closing. "You're a big boy, let's get it going"

"Ugh, you don't love me" He said as he started brushing his teeth.

Once he finished, she had gotten some clothes for him to change into to. "Here put these on"
But she didn't miss the way he was struggling to put on his clothes. "Lordy, what would you do without me huh?" She laughed as she went and helped him put on his shirt"

While she lifted the shirt onto his head, Mark grabbed and hugged her. "Aish Mark Lee" He gave her a little kiss before she could pushed him away. But when she pushed him away, she felt something on the side of his stomach.

"what happened here?" She asked as they both looked down. She ran her finger over it and a little blood had gotten on her finger.

Mark just shrugged. "You must've gotten this when you fell a while ago. Wait here i'll clean it up"

She left to grab some wipes and a band aid to clean him up while he sat on the bed. He admired her. "Thank you for always taking care of me, my love" He kissed her forehead.
"Anything for you. Now let's go to bed."

They both got situated on the bed and she gave him one last kiss before they drifted off.
"Goodnight, i love you"
They both said in unison.

* Ngl I have a lot of drafts from about 2 years ago. I thought I'd just publish them for poops and giggles. I haven't edited any, so it's coming how it is! Lmk how you guys like it. I'm definitely not a writer nor is it my strongest ability but I'd like to do whatever I can. I hope you all enjoy them*

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