Things to Boost ~Testosterone~

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Yes,There is food that can boost testosterone,So here are some of them

we haveee: Ginger,Oysters,Pomegranates,Fortified plant milks,Leafy green vegetables,Fatty fish and fish oil,Extra-virgin olive oil,Onions,Avocados,Blueberries,watermelons,grapes,eggs,Brazil nuts,Chicken,Raw carrots,Potatoes,Broccoli,green tea,and Coffee ^w^ (That's all i remember at the moment-)

How to improve it ^ w ^

IMPROVING LOW TESTOSTERONE NATURALLY. The following information is a summary of materials featured in the "Men's Health" Whole Health overview.AVOID DEVELOPING DIABETES.EXERCISE. SLEEP WELL. AVOID TOBACCO PRODUCTS.AVOID EXCESSIVE ALCOHOL. AVOID OPIOID PAIN MEDICATIONS.Stock up on fats. This one's easy. Just eat more good fats. HIIT up a new cardio workout. Instead of sticking with steady-state cardio – that bi-weekly plod around the park, for example – focus your attention on becoming a HIIT wonderkid.

Signs of High testosterone: 

acne.aggressive or risk-taking behaviors.excessive body hair.headaches.heart or liver problems.high blood pressure (hypertension)high sex drive (libido)increased appetite.

Signs of Low testosterone-: 

Reduced sex drive.Reduced erectile function.Loss of body hair.Less beard growth.Loss of lean muscle mass.Feeling very tired all the time (fatigue)Obesity (being overweight)Symptoms of depression.

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