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𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟕, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

Blinking his eyes slowly, Dayvon lowly groaned when he opened his eyes and scrunched his face up when he felt extra heat on his body as well as a familiar scent.

Looking down to where the heat and scent was coming from, he noticed it was just Amiko peacefully sleeping on his chest with one of her hands up his shirt while his hand was doing the same thing with the shirt she had on.

After their game and little session in bed, they took a shower together before falling straight asleep.

Grabbing his phone to check the time, he realized it was 8:31AM. His class started at 9:30AM. He forgot to set his alarm yesterday night and now he was in a rush to get ready, go to his classes for the long day, then basketball practice.

Gently moving Amiko's head to the pillow next to him, he slowly scooted off the bed and stood onto the floor. Entering his closet, he grabbed a black, long-sleeve shirt, gray Amiri jeans, a black Gucci belt, a pair of Air Jordan 4 Retro Black Cat's, and a black hat he would wear backwards on his head to cover his frizzy dreads.

He needed a retwist badly.

Once he found his outfit for the day, he quietly packed his practice duffel bag for his upcoming practice before setting it down on the floor by his outfit laid out on the bed.

Walking into the bathroom, he closed the door behind him and freed his bladder, wiping himself, flushing the toilet afterwards.

Cutting on the shower to a cold temperature, he made sure he had a towel to wrap around his body once he got it. Cold showers before practice was his way of pre-cooling, which helps increase the body's capacity for prolonged exercise at higher intensity levels.

After a good 30 minutes, Dayvon was dressed in his outfit for the day after brushing his teeth and oiling his body down.

As he exited out the bathroom, Amiko was still laying on the pillow and position he put her in before he started getting ready.

Chuckling at the sight of her still sleep, he walked over to her and examined her face. Sleep was even pretty on her. Raising up the oversized t-shirt he gave her last night to reveal her back, he pressed his plump lips onto her spine and worked his way upwards leaving soft kisses up her spine to wake her up.

𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐌Where stories live. Discover now