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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

It had only been 2 weeks since Amiko and Dayvon had did played their little strip basketball game and his imagination was already running wild about her.

Dayvon sat on his bed as he calmly read a human anatomy book he had bought from a bookstore yesterday to learn more about a woman's body before he got to the point where he didn't know what to do when he was in a specific situation. To be specific:

A sexual one.

What sparked this idea in his head? Amiko of course.

The more he stayed around her, Dayvon couldn't help but to grow the want to go inside her and feel her warmth around his dick—not just with his fingers, pleasuring her. In his defense, she was just so pretty to him as well as her voice. Everything about her was erotic and set him off.

He first started with asking his friends for advice, but they weren't so helpful when it came to detail. They told him a few of their experiences, but the most advice they gave to him was, "Watch porn, nigga." He didn't think he was that comfortable yet.

So here he was reading about the woman's body.

He still considered himself inexperienced anyways.

It really didn't bother him to read facts about the human body. He loved reading in general. It was one of his hobbies besides basketball.

"Dayvon!" His younger brother, Salem, appeared in his doorway with a smile on his face. "Do you have any snacks? Oreos? I like them. Mommy gives me them. Do you have them?" He entered his brother's room without permission, but it wasn't like Dayvon cared anyway.

He was keeping his younger brother for the day since he hadn't seen him in a good 2-3 weeks due to his busy schedule with basketball, friends, and Amiko.

His vocabulary and enunciation for a little boy was impeccable. He was taught manners at a very young age by their mother.

Dayvon, Jade, and Salem all had the same mother and father. Unfortunately, Salem wasn't able to meet their father since he died before the little boy was even born.

Lifting his head up from his anatomy book, Dayvon mentally scanned the picture of the pantry in his head a while before nodding his head. "They in the pantry, Salem. You know where that is, lil folks?"

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