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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟒, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

"You think he's gonna like me? You know little brothers and sisters are ruthless when it comes to their older siblings." Amiko questioned as her and Dayvon traveled to Salem's cafeteria with McDonald's in their hands.

"If I like you, he'll like you. He been wantin' to meet you anyway." He simply answered, kissing her cheek. "He don't even know I'm comin' up hea' to eat with him."

Reaching the brown doors of the cafeteria, he opened them and two entered inside.

Looking around the large area, Dayvon's eyes immediately landed on his younger brother whom was sitting by himself at the end of a full lunch table, eyes down at his tray, palm holding up his head, playing in his food with a fork in a bored and sad manner.

All in all, he looked like he didn't want to be at school, which was understandable, because of how lonely he was. Right now was a prime example.

"Awe, is that him? He looks so sad." She pouted, pointing to a little boy that had the same hairstyle as her boyfriend.

Humming in response, he intertwined his hand with hers and began walking to Salem who still had his eyes focused on his tray and oblivious to his brother walking up to him.

"Hold your head high at all times, lil folks." He quoted one of the phrases his father used to tell him when he became sad, angry, etcetera.

The familiar voice made the little boy lift his head up from his palm and turn in the direction it came from.

Salem's droopy face immediately turned into a happy one once he seen his brother. "Dayvon! You came?!" He hugged his brother's waist before noticing the person standing beside him. "Oh wow. You're very pretty. You must be Amiko?"

"Thank you, handsome," She cheesed, bending down to the little boy's level. "I'm Amiko! You must be Salem?" She held her hand out to him, Salem gladly taking it and shaking it.

"She knows my name!" Salem geeked under his breath while looking at her.

The other kids stared at Salem and the McDonald's bag in envy and jealously. How come he got a surprise visit and they didn't? How come he gets to eat fast food and not the school lunch?

Loving to be petty, Dayvon quickly stuck up his middle finger at the kids before any of the teachers could see. "Snitch and I'mma beat y'all up." He threatened to keep them silent.

𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐌Where stories live. Discover now