Chapter Four

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September first came like a shot, and I made my way down to the beginning of term feast and sorting ceremony wearing a new uniform and new robes. A small brooch, a serpent with glittering green eyes was pinned on the right, opposite my house emblem. I normally wouldn't have worn it, but the letter that had come with it when it arrived a couple days before had insisted.

I saw Poppy and Natty on the way in, exchanging hugs and hellos. It was incredibly nice to see them, and for a moment, I had hope of normalcy. But I could not sit with them, and my own house table beckoned me.

I ran my fingers along the end of the green table runner, eyeing the spread they'd put out this year. Overdone as always, but delicious.

Seeing a few empty seats toward the back of the table, I went to sit in one when I hear Ominis. "Elena, over here!"

How he knew where I had been in proximity to him was beyond me, but I'd been spotted and couldn't worm my way out of it. There was an empty seat next to him, and Sebastian on his other side. Imelda and another seventh year, Xander Manx, were seated across.

I sat down and smiled gently to my classmates. Imelda immediately pointed to the brooch. "What a lovely piece that is. I'd say it looks like a family heirloom, but since I know you don't have a family, I-"

Ominis grit his teeth. He'd never liked Imelda to begin with. "It is a family heirloom. One of mine."

Imelda bit down another comment. I looked down at it on my robe. "It was a birthday present."

I could see Sebastian stiffen at the mention of this past Ominis. Imelda just shook off the conversation and picked at her food.

There was sparse conversation before the doors open to let in the wide eyes first years. I often wondered what would have been going through my own head had I been introduced to the Great Hall at eleven instead of sixteen. Sadly I'd never know, and it wasn't worth dwelling on anymore, but once in a while the thought crept in. I was lucky enough I got in as a fifth year, though the circumstances of that as well weren't the rosiest either.

Everyone turned a bit in their seats to watch the sorting, and I felt Ominis's hand creep up my back before resting between my shoulderblades. Immediately my mind thought of Sebastian doing the same and I shivered.

"Ominis what the hell are you doing?" A hiss, and a very quiet one. Words that hadn't been meant for me to hear. "You don't need to watch, you can't see it anyway."

"I'm being polite, Sebastian. You need not concern yourself with it, but thank you for looking out for me as always."

A goblet of something slammed onto the table, and I could only guess as to who had done it. Xander growled from across us. "Sebastian! You sloshed that all over my book!" Well. I didn't need to guess anymore.

The sorting went by in the same fashion it did every year, and the second Professor Black dismissed us, I was off as fast as I could. Unfortunately, Ominis and Sebastian were right behind me, bickering with each other quietly. I fought back the urge to eavesdrop, much as I wanted to,

The common room was a welcome sight, the light stone and green hue of the light cast in from the water of the Black Lake against the windows. Most went straight to their dorms to sleep, but I wasn't tired in the least. Draping my robes over the back of a sofa, I sat down for a moment, debating going to change and grab a book or trying to force myself to sleep, knowing that would be a losing battle.

"You ought to sleep, Elena. I saw your schedule, you have Herbology first thing in the morning, and I'm positive Professor Garlick's energy is going to be too much if you're tired."

I looked over to see Ominis there, and gave a weary smile. "I'll get there eventually."

"No. You should go. Now." Sebastian growled, coming into my line of vision. His eyes bore into my face and I refused to meet his gaze. Instead I just stood back up and gathered my cloak, leaving hurriedly.

I turned into the hall toward my dorms when I heard him again. "What. The fuck are you doing, Ominis?"

"Surely I don't know what you're talking about."

"The brooch? Your hand on her back?"

"Oh that. Well, I've decided it's been long enough. I'm going to pursue her. By the end of the year I'll have won her heart."

"Like hell you will."

I heard another slam before footsteps started heading my way, making me rush into my dorm to get out of sight.

This was already going so well.


Morning came too quickly, and with that, my first Herbology lesson as a seventh year. It seemed standard enough, a review of the Venomous Tentacula. Poppy stood next to me at our potting table, biting her lip. I must have given her one too many curious looks because she wound up meeting my gaze and laughing nervously. "I thought maybe we'd be starting with dittany. Or bubotubers. I hate these things,"

"I...don't think anyone loves them. Well. Maybe Professor Garlick, but...yeah."

"Two points from Slytherin for being late, Mr. Sallow! Proper plant care waits for no one! You're with Mr. Sands over there. Alright class! Time for your first review!"

I was barely paying attention. Sebastian had taken his place at his station and he looked as if he slept about as much as I had. Which was not at all.

It was enough that the Tentacula Poppy and I were supposed to be feeding grew impatient and decided my hand looked enough like food to take a bite of me. I shrieked and yanked my hand back, blood spilling onto the table and the floor.

Poppy turned green and turned away from me, trying not to lose her breakfast all over our shoes. Everyone's eyes snapped to me as I hurriedly grabbed a towel to wrap my now aching hand. Professor Garlick came over to take a look, clucking like a mother hen at me. "There's always one. At least you didn't lose any fingers. Mr. Sallow? If you'd like to earn those points back, you can take Miss Varris to the hospital wing."

I looked over as Sebastian sat down his rat and came around to me, taking me by the elbow and leading me out of the room without a word.

Silver and Green with Envy: A Sebastian Sallow StoryWhere stories live. Discover now