Chapter Sixteen

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Up close, Harlow looked far rougher than at the distance I'd seen him previously. He'd lost a good bit of weight, his eyes had sunken in, like he hadn't slept in ages. Slow, careful steps from the door to the bar, and he leaned against it, close to me. Too close. 

"Someone named their price. I paid it, and just like that, the record of my arrest and trial went missing. Then I went missing. And if this little beauty right here doesn't stop poking her nose where it doesn't belong, she's going to go missing too..."

Harlow's finger slid down my scar and I shuddered in revulsion and pulled my face away, fighting the urge to take my wand out. Natty and Poppy had death grips on theirs, I could see it. Other patrons, from the corner of my eye, also had various states of panic and anger written all over them. 

"Theophilius, leave her alone." Sirona was starting to bristle a little, but she didn't make any sudden moves to come out from behind the counter. 

He clicked his tongue behind his teeth. "Don't think I can do that, Sirona. Little bitch just cost me a small fortune. Again. But...I'm not here to threaten...Not really."

Straightening himself, he looked at the package from Gladrags I'd laid on the bar and flicked his wand at them. The twine came undone and the paper unfolded for him. He saw what was inside and ran his hand across the beautiful fabric. "...I merely wanted to see what I should be telling my boys to look out for. Your house colors? Subtle."

"How do you know I had anything to do with what you were talking about?"

Harlow laughed in my face. "Your work's gotten sloppy, Miss Varris. And you've no idea how many eyes and ears I have all over these highlands. Go ahead and continue to challenge me. I'll find it amusing, watching you struggle. But know that next time, no one will be around to take the curse I throw at you. Not Miss Onai again. Not Miss Sweeting. And certainly not Mister Sallow. He won't cross me again, I made sure of that." 

He chuckled and stepped back, holding his hands up, revealing he'd put his wand away. "Alright. Maybe that was a threat. We'll see, won't we."

He turned and left, and we could all hear the sound of him disapparating once he got outside.

"...Elena? Are you alright?"

I looked down at my hands, shaking uncontrollably. I swear I saw a swirl of blue arc between my thumb and pointer finger but I ignored it. That wasn't what concerned me right now.

...He knew Sebastian. He hurt Sebastian. And I could only think of one reason.

Sirona came from behind the bar and gently helped me get down from the stool I'd been sitting on. She looked off toward the back of the room. "Eric, Nolan. Walk these girls back to Hogwarts, please."

Natty went to my things and re wrapped them. "Sirona you don't have to do that."

"The hell I don't. You've gone completely barmy if you think I'm letting you walk out of here without an escort. Get back to the school, get Elena right again. I've some inquiries to make."

I finally choked out some words. "Don't. I'm handling this."

Sirona slapped the countertop. "You got lucky the first time girl, you're mad if you think I'm letting you try that a second time." 

I didn't have it in me to argue further. Eric and Nolan, two rather imposing gentlemen, walked us out.

We were silent as we made our way back, both Natty and Poppy gripping onto my arms. Something broke in the forest at one point and Poppy about leapt out of her skin, the two wizards with us drawing wands. But it was just a niffler. Eventually we made it back, and the stands were quiet. It must have been a quick game.

Silver and Green with Envy: A Sebastian Sallow StoryWhere stories live. Discover now