Chapter Twenty

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I made it to the Great Hall with a few minutes to spare, loading a plate up and eating like my life depended on it. 

Xander, who I had sat down across from, stared at me for a long time before bursting out in laughter. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I feel like I never see you in here anymore. You've barely eaten at all in the past week. You look like you're eating before getting shipped off to war. Wait a second..."

I looked over at him expectantly and swallowed my mouthful of potato. Incredibly not ladylike, but I finally realized how starved I was.

"...Did you find Harlow?"

"No. And if I had I wouldn't be saying a damn word about it."

"Oh. There you are. Didn't think you'd make it down. How are your plants?" Sebastian had walked up to us by this point. 

"They're fine."


I took another bite and just stared him down. Eventually he shook his head and walked off. 

"What's that about?"

"No idea, he's being paranoid."

"...But is he?"

"Merlin's beard, not you, too."

He held up his hands in mock defeat. "Look, I'm obviously nowhere near as involved with whatever is going on as the rest of you. But I know Sebastian's worried sick and I know you're fighting against whatever he's trying to keep you from doing. It's not that hard to figure out."

I finished my food with no further argument and left for the common room. It was a lot more than that, but Xander didn't need to be any more involved than he already was. 


Once in my room I got out of my robes and put my bag away, taking my book out to one of the couches and getting comfortable on it, lost in words almost immediately. I did feel Sebastian sit next to and then curl up with me a bit, but if he'd been expecting a reaction he didn't get one. A chapter or two later I paused to look over and noticed him half asleep on my shoulder. I tried not to laugh. 

"Sebastian what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm sitting with you while you read. Do you want me to leave?"

"Well...No, of course not. It's just...almost too normal for us, if that makes sense."

"In what world would that ever make sense?"

"Sebastian." I closed my book and sat it on my lap. "You and I have gone from delving into dark ruins full of the dead, nearly getting killed multiple times, to...the thing we don't talk about, to completely not speaking, to constantly at each others throats, while simultaneously not being able to keep our hands off each other. Absolutely no one, ever, would look at the two of us and think, "Wow, those two look like they enjoy a good cuddle on a regular basis."" 

He immediately broke out into a small fit of laughter, and I couldn't help but admit the sound tugged on my heart. 

"Maybe I'm practicing. Maybe after all of that I crave the normal. Maybe I wonder what could have happened if I hadn't been so blind, so stupid. If we hadn't fought. Would you have wound up with me sooner? At all?"

He shifted us just a little, pulling us closer together, my legs over the top of his and my head on his shoulder now instead. He kissed the top of my head.

"I wanted butterbeer dates, and walks around the lake. I wanted to pass stupid notes in class. I wanted to see how stunning you looked as you walked into the room as my date to the Yule Ball. I got to see that last you walked up to Garreth and took his arm instead of mine. I had to leave, I couldn't take it. You've had my heart in your hands from the day I laid eyes on you, even though I never acted like that was the case, and all I ever wanted was normal. So...let me have this, alright? Outside of this room we can go on being against each other. But, just give me the illusion of normal in here. Please."

I reached up and wiped my eyes, making Sebastian turn his head down a little to try and get a look at my face, before his hand came up to slide his thumb across my cheek. A gesture I feared he'd gotten far too used to.

He teased me a little. "I know I said you being a crybaby was cute, but come on..."

I laughed through tears and thumped his chest. He responded by kissing my face and wrapping his arm around me tighter.

"Now, you left off in the middle of a chapter, you can't leave it like that." 


I had to wait a few days before I really got the chance to talk to Poppy again. I'd briefly discussed with Natty how we might be able to communicate between the three of us without making it horribly obvious, and she was on board. 

"So, Natty and I agree with you that the third floor lavatory is the best shot. There should be enough space between the mirrors and the wall to wedge notes, but that'd be about it."

"That should be fine. I was also thinking, you'd be best only checking it once a week, and not always during the same time or always on the same day."


"Elena, Sebastian watches you like a hawk. He's probably trying to read my lips this instant. He's more perceptive than I think you give him credit for. He'd pick up on you going in there constantly. Normal notes, once a week on an irregular schedule."

"And what if it's something that can't wait a week?"

"I don't know...I'll, ask for class notes? Then we can meet in front of the come and go room?"

"I need to meet you there soon anyway. Something's happened."


Thankfully, very thankfully, Sebastian actually had a detention he couldn't get out of that night after dinner with Professor Weasley, so I was free to take Natty and Poppy upstairs. 

We walked in and I pointed toward the door. They both looked confused for a moment. 

Natty spoke up first. "Okay. So it's a door. To what, a closet?"

"The Three Broomsticks."

"...Excuse me?"

I told them all about how it appeared as I was wishing for a way to get out of the castle without Sebastian noticing, and following it down and meeting Sirona. I showed them the key.

"This is good. This is very good. I originally planned on writing a note tonight about one of Harlow's camps outside of Lower Hogsfield. You can apparate, right?"

"I can. So travel isn't a problem."

I looked over to see Poppy fiddling with the ties to the outer bodice piece of my new dueling outfit and smiling to herself. "Maybe we should test it out tonight then."

"You mean me."

"I mean we."

"Poppy I am not dragging you two into this that way, I can handle it. I don't need the both of you further up on Harlow's list. You heard Sebastian. No. If it's just me, I don't have to worry about putting you two in danger. If you want to come with me and wait in the Three Broomsticks, fine. But I'm going into the camp alone and that's final."

"On one condition, my friend." Natty gave me a hard look. "If you get hurt, we will be coming with you from then on. One of us, both of us, no exceptions. We were in this together our fifth year and I do not like the idea of making you do this on your own now. Especially because the stakes are much higher. Besides, I find it hard to believe we're not already up on that list considering we both helped you the last time."

"Yes but I truthfully don't think they noticed you two and-"

"Elena. Enough. That is my condition. Take it or we go with you right now whether you want us to or not."


Poppy grinned. "Good. Now get this on."

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