Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I crept silently through the snow, barely breathing, every one of my senses alert. So close. I couldn't be spotted now. I froze when I spotted my target ahead of me, its brown fur dark against the pure white of the snow, with the exception of its tail, which was as white as the snow itself.

A rabbit.

Its nose quivered as it sniffed the air, but it didn't smell me. Its large ears flicked around, listening for the slightest sound that might cause it alarm, but it didn't hear me. I silently raised my bow, pulled an arrow from my quiver on my back, strung it, pulled it back, aimed carefully for its eye, and then let it fly with an audible "twang". The rabbit gave one high pitched squeak, and was still. My bow string vibrated from the shot. I collected my kill and silently congratulated myself.

A few months before, I never would have been able to do anything close to killing a rabbit through the eye. I wouldn't have been able to 'hit the broadside of a barn door', as they say. But Bauchan (all of the fauns have very odd names) taught me well. He schooled me every day in archery and hunting. All of the training had paid off.

When I got back to our little hole in the cliff, I prepared the rabbit for our dinner. It was nasty work, but it no longer bothered me. While I fixed the meal, I let my mind wander. I was at peace with myself for the first time in what seemed like forever. I looked forward to each coming day and took pride in my work. The fauns were all like family to me. I watched the kids while their parents were out gathering or dancing. They all had made me feel welcome and taken care of, and I knew they would protect me from danger. Narnia felt like home. I was happy.

Bauchan had explained everything to me. Why I couldn't be seen, what Narnia was like at the time, everything. The Witch was waiting for four young humans to come and usurp her throne. It had been  told in some kind of 'prophecy' that two "sons of Adam" and two "daughters of Eve" were supposed to appear in Narnia and defeat the White Witch and save Narnia by ending the winter that had lasted for a hundred years. Bauchan was disappointed that I didn't have any siblings, which meant that I couldn't be the one to save Narnia. But that had been perfectly fine with me, as I didn't want to responsibility of driving out the force that had kept the entire country in perpetual winter and that could her enemies into stone in an instant. But I had to be very careful so the Witch wouldn't find out I was there. If she did, she would have me and anyone who had helped me killed.


I hunted for us since Bauchan was becoming a little slow and his senses aren't as sharp as they used to be in his youth. His beard and furry legs were graying and he had to wear little spectacles, which he often 'misplaced' on the top of his head, perched next to his little horns. He had a very grandfatherly appearance, and I grew to care for him deeply.

I met a variety of other creatures in addition to the fauns. There were many Talking Animals that were all very friendly, with the exception of a few, like the Wolves. Many of them had betrayed the other Narnians by becoming supporters of the Witch, and served in her Secret Police.

There were the other fauns who were friends of Bauchan. And then there were the mysterious Centaurs. I had only met them once, and I had been terrified. They were quiet and wise and the noblest of creatures, half man, half horse. They studied the stars to predict what the future may hold and were renowned for their strength as fierce warriors.

They had come only a few days before, and their news brought all of the fauns and other creatures great happiness and hope, and an undercurrent of energy and anxiety hummed through the forests. They had been watching the stars, and the alignment of the stars with the planets foretold that a great struggle and a great power were coming. I was hopeful too, but to me it was all just talk about something that I didn't believe really affected me in any great way. I was naive.

Bauchan had become like a... I don't know, uncle, grandfather, maybe even a father to me. He was endlessly patient with me and was always calm and kind. But he also used to be a warrior, so I knew, under that soft exterior, was a fierce fighter. But he came to care for me too, and so I was happy. Our cozy little cave in the rock was all I needed. I got my wish for a better life.

God does answer prayers.

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now