Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Over the course of the next few months, I adjusted to castle life. After a few awkward conversations and encounters, Peter went back to his normal self, joking with me just like before. But I still caught him looking at me sometimes, and knew that his feelings hadn't changed so quickly. It would have been foolish to think he had, because I knew from personal experience how hard it was to change your feelings. I just hoped that he would find someone else eventually.

Edmund forgave me for my rudeness, and I tried my best to catch his attention. The five of us went on many hunts (not for Talking Animals, of course) and had many feasts and picnics and balls. We rode to Anvard, the castle where the royal family of Archenland lived, and I sailed on my first ship to Galma and Terebinthia and the Seven Isles and all the way to the Lone Islands. At first the rolling motion of the waves made me violently seasick, but I quickly adapted to it and became comfortable on a ship. I learned all of the sailors' talk and could scurry through the ropes with ease.

As the years passed, I grew taller, my hair grew longer, my hips grew wider and my chest less flat. I had several suitors from Archenland and the Islands and even Calormen. Many were fat and old, and I turned them away, but the others were young and arrogant. None were to my liking, and I remained husbandless. Besides, there was only one I wanted, and since I couldn't have him, I wouldn't have anyone.

Summers passed into autumns, and winters into springs. The seasons came and went peacefully, and the five of us grew up together. We hunted together, and rode all over Narnia. We had many great feasts and balls, and many small adventures. I commanded armies and fought in battles with Peter and Edmund, and acquired several new scars. I could be both a fine, graceful lady and a deadly, skilled warrior, depending on what was required of me.

Peter grew taller and stronger, and more kingly. He stayed as sweet and noble as ever. He led many crusades against the troublesome giants of the north, and was loved by everyone. He courted several pretty girls from the islands and Archenland, but, despite my hopes, he never chose a bride.

Susan grew more and more beautiful, and was much more graceful and gentle than I ever was or hoped to be. She didn't fight in many battles, but no one could match her talent in archery. She was adored by all for her kindness and loving nature. She had many more suitors than I, but wasn't satisfied with them. She wanted to marry, but none of the young men who wanted to court her had what she wanted.

Lucy grew into a pretty girl with long, chocolate hair. She was playful and loved a good joke, and was much more outdoorsy than Susan. She was energetic and being in the castle for too long bored her, and much preferred breeches and boots to gowns and slippers, like me. She had a few brave men who asked for her hand in marriage, but most could not keep up with her. She seemed not to care to be married or courted, but I knew better. Sometimes I saw a small frown on her pretty face when she watched her sister flirt with her many sweethearts, and I knew she longed to be sought after as ardently.

Edmund grew into a handsome young man. The best word to describe him was intense. Everything he did, he did with more effort, enthusiasm, or emotion. Part of that I believed was due to the fact that he wanted to live up to the standards set by Peter, though he and his brother always remained the best and closest of friends. He and I grew very close, but never more than friends, despite my attempts over the years to change that. It broke my heart to see him with the silly girls who courted him. I had seen him kissing several of them around the castle, without him knowing, and it ripped me apart. I spent a lot of time talking to Anduril about him, but it didn't help. Even over many years my feelings for him didn't grow any less. If anything, they only grew stronger the longer I knew him.

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now