Shelter (Chapter 3)

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Carl's P.O.V

My dad doesn't know anything anymore.All he can do is lay on the couch and do nothing. I bet he couldn't even hear me. Wouldn't be the first time hes ignored me. In his defense, he was passed out having suffered a huge fight, and that walker in the restaurant. Wait. Why am I defending him? Whatever, I just need to find some food.

*A few minutes pass*

This looks like a good enough house. Maybe there's some food inside. I can probably pry the door open with this garden light, but that's not fun. Running into the door like all those cool people did in the movies. That's what I'll do. What's the problem with this plan?


Well that didn't work. It worked for them, and I'm better than them! Woah Carl, getting a little ahead of yourself are we? So I guess I'll use the garden light. I approach the door with light and gun in hand, ready to shoot. The light gets wedged in between the door and the frame. I'm about to blast open the door like a badass, when I hear a faint scream in the distance. The scream comes from a boy with a girl both around my age, completely surrounded by walkers.

"Someone!! Help!!"

I guess I better help them. That would be the right thing to do. My bullets hit the walker closest to me, sending him down into a small pool of blood. Both kids look at my direction to see who's about to save their asses. The girl turns back to a walker reaching it decaying hands towards her. The walker tumbles to the ground in front of the girly badass who is holding a bloody weapon of destruction. That teal handed knife just saved her life. And that badass is kinda hot if I say so myself. Stop it Carl, now is not the time to be thinking about that.

When all the walkers are laying in their own blood, the hot one and her brother walk up to me. Probably to thank me for saving their life. The girl speaks up first.

"Hey thanks for helping us, well me, out back there. My little brother is kind of a baby." She strikes towards her brother.

"No problem. By the way my name is Carl Grimes. Yours is..?" I question, hoping to find out her name. I dont care about her brother. Just the girl.

"Mine is Em Rose. His is Luke Rose. And before you ask, I'm 15 and he's 14." She even knew my next question. Wait! I should probably ask them the three most important questions.

"My group always asks three questions to random people we meet. The first one is, how many walkers have you killed?"

She responds with, "You've already seen a small portion of them." To the end, she adds a little laugh, which I find adorable.

"How many people have you killed?"

"None and I plan on not having to kill anyone. Although if you keep flirting with me, my brother might have a different answer," she tells me adding a wink. Damn, can she read minds or something? Her answer makes me blush a little. So much for hiding how I think.

"Okay. Now that the questions are answered, how about we go find some food because I promised my dad I would." I quickly say trying to hide the blush form them. It didn't really work. Em swings her bag from her shoulders to show me how much food they have. A whole freaking bag full!

"My brother has all of our clothes and everything that's not food related. We had this plan since the beginning. It's worked so far." She laughs and puts the bag back on her shoulder. She's smart too. I'd have to say I did pretty good with this one. What am I even saying? She's not mine. Well not right now. But she will be. Just give me some time.

"Well then. How about we go to my house? My dad's there right now and it's safe."

They both agree and follow me. The house is safe. At least right now it is. Who knows how long that will last. It's a pretty strong knot and there aren't many walkers in this neighborhood. Maybe this could be our new home. If we didn't lose our group. We have to find them before it's too late. I can't stand not seeing Beth or Daryl or Carol ever again. Let's not forget about Maggie and Glenn. I bet by the end of two weeks, Em and I will have an even better relationship than them.

A/N* Finally I update this story. It's been forever. Tbh I lost interest in this, then I got it back so now I'm here. Since it's summer I'm going to be updating a lot more. Hopefully. Go check out my other stories. They're okay I guess. 'Where Did You Go' is the most liked one on my page so yeah.

Adios Brochachos

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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