Chapter 1

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I tripped and fell hard; landing in a muddy puddle, dirty water soaked through my jeans. But i couldn't stop. Not now. 

Not when it was after me. 

I tried to get up but my foot wouldn’t budge, panic flowed through me. 

"Come on, come on" i pleaded but it still wouldn't budge and in an instant the last two dark weeks came flowing back.

 •Two Weeks Ago•

I had been late to class, as usual, because mum had been to busy working, and had shuffled quietly to the back of the class, keeping my head down and avoiding the looks the W.A.T s, everyone had a different idea of what those letters stood for, Wild Amazing and Talented, Wealthy Awesome and Trendy or my personal favourite Wicked Arrogant and Tyrannic, nobody knew, but anybody that was part of that group thought they were above everyone else.

The subject had been maths and that was the only class i had without my two best friends Bee and Alicia, which made maths the worst subject, not counting the fact that i was terrible at it. But in this case it's what made me first find out about 'it'. 

You see being one of the quietest kids in your year does bring some advantages, people forget your there and you hear things. 

Or things you shouldn't, in this case. 

"Have you heard more about 'it'?" Rob had asked Jake, 

"It? What you talking about?" 

"You know 'The thing' Stanley told us about?" 

"Dude, we're not meant to talk about it, it gives me the creeps!" 

"Pff! Yeah but who's going to listen?” 

I had to agree, everyone else was too wrapped up in their own conversation to even hear what Rob and Jake where discussing. 

Apart from me, of course. 

"True, ok fine, I haven’t heard anything and frankly i don't want to!" Jake whispered. 

"But do you think it's true? About what happened to that girl 12 years ago?" 


"Well no but I’m not going near those woods ever again! Why you think it's true?" 

"Well..." Rob seemed to consider his answer before continuing "yes, or at least partly, i don't think Stanley made up the story about the Thing, you know it stealing kids from the school when they near the forest, he's not creative enough..." 


At that point that the teacher, Mr Maquar, had told us to settle down and that was the end of their creepy conversation.

At recess i had sprinted over to my friends and told them about what I’d heard, Bee was clueless to the news but Alicia didn't look so shocked. 

"Let's go to the Willow I’ll explain there" Alicia said. 

The "willow" was our spot, a small willow tree and patches of grass was what made up our place, no one ever went there and we'd claimed it as soon as we first came here. 

On the way we had passed Calvin , a short, scrawny blond haired boy, which was once again being teased by Veronica. 

"What you got there bird boy?" She sneered at him. 

I had felt anger soar through me, i felt sorry for Calvin ,he got the nickname bird boy because on his first day here he'd told us he loved birds, i wanted to defend him but Bee sensing my anger but a hand on my shoulder and shook her head, so we kept walking. 

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