Chapter 6

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I don't think there's anything i can say that will make up with how long it's taken for me to get this up, but i'm really sorry!


The start of Wednesday hadn't brought anymore answers than Tuesday had, all morning and during school I hadn't been able to shake the feeling that something wasn't right with this "Thing" business, a beast with yellow eyes for slits? Is that even possible? I mean this is the sort of thing you expect to happen in fairy tales, not real life.

It had been only as I'd been walking home that the idea hit me, walking home seemed to stimulate my thoughts for a reason or another, and today I had to take the long way round because they'd started doing road work, anyway, I'd thought that someone else must have noticed the connection between Veronica's disappearance and Elizabeth's, then maybe I could find the name of the other two girls and confirm my suspicion about the Thing targeting W.A.T students who went to my school. So I'd thought that if I looked more into news about Veronica's disappearance than maybe I'd stumble upon something.

And that's exactly what I had ended up doing.

Two hours and a croissant later, I'd finally found what I'd been looking for, the website itself was a bit sketchy looking, ads about miracle anti-wrinkle creams hadn't stopped popping up since I clicked on the link, but considering what I'd found, I think seeing hundreds of offers for my non-existent wrinkles was worth it.

I'm not going to lie; I had been considering exiting the site when a particular sentence had crossed my eye.

"I believe, however folks that Veronica's kidnapping was not done for money but a part of a series of kidnapping which occurred 12 years ago, the first victim of this serial kidnapper was Elizabeth Kingsley followed then 3 years later by Paige Dalton and then Lea Morrison 4 years after that. Isn't it suspicious that..."

I'd nearly screamed out in excitement, not at the fact that they'd been kidnapped, but the fact that I'd finally gotten the names of the two girls! Paige and Lea, now find out if they'd gone to Cove High and if they'd been W.A.T students.

I hadn't been able to wait till tomorrow; I'd needed to find out then and confirm my theory, I'd known that the school library only closed at 5:00 and it had been only 4:30, so if I hurried I'd be able to make it, and so I'd taken off, running, hoping to get there before it closed.

Ms Jensine's eyes had flown up in surprise as I'd entered the library doors, hair all over the place and panting hard, I'd quickly greeted her before running over to the section reserved for yearbooks, as I had made my way through the library, I'd noticed that only Bruce and a handful of other students from years above me were in the library, strange, I hadn't pick Bruce as the library type.

I'd quickly brushed that thought aside as I'd gotten to where I'd wanted to be, quickly searching I had found the year book from 2001, I had quickly flicked through, trying to find the section with student's last names beginning with D...

And there she'd been. And there was no mistaking she was a W.A.T the way her hair was styled and the way she smiled at the camera, her end of year comment literally screamed it, no seriously, it literally had; "W.A.T all the way" , written on it.

So part of my theory had then been confirmed, then all I had to do was find Lea, and surprise, surprise, when I'd found her guess what she was? Yep. That's right.

A W.A.T.

Quickly putting the yearbook back I'd left the library just as it was about to close, there was no mistaking what the Thing's intentions had been now, it was kidnapping W.A.Ts from Cove High and... well I'd rather not think about had happened to them, or what was going on right now with Veronica, I'd shuddered, I'd hoped against all hope that they'd all still be alive, but in the back of my mind I'd known that that was probably not the case.

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