Chapter 2

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I wasn't in a good mood when i was walking to school the next morning because firstly i was sore from my computer falling on me and because sore from sleeping on the couch. 

Then i remembered why i slept on the couch. 

It sent chills up my spine.  

I hadn't told my mum what happened, what was there to tell? That there was a 'Thing' at our school kidnapping students and that I’d felt something watching me last night, a pair of yellow eyes? She'd pass it off as gibberish and say it was all a nasty prank. So instead i told her there'd been a black widow in my room and that i refused to sleep in it, which was believable since i had a bad case of arachnophobia (any spider no matter how big or how small, i refused to go near), so my mum had believed me and let me sleep on the couch. 

As i arrived to school the first thing i noticed was the fact that Veronica wasn't there, i noticed because she's usually there by the time i arrive, teasing and bullying Calvin and other kids but as i surveyed the court yard there was no sign of her. 

Calvin was in a corner reading a book called; "Everything to know about Birds" and making himself as small and insignificant as possible, Veronica's two friends; Sylvie and Monica stood near the canteen talking to some other W.A.T kids, i knew they wouldn’t annoy Calvin, not unless Veronica was there. 

'Which is a good thing' i thought as i headed toward Bee 'at least Calvin gets a break from being beaten up'. 

"Hey Bee!" i said enthusiastically, despite my unhappy mood, as i hugged her. 

"Hey Hazel" she greeted back. 

'Isn't it great that Veronica's not here? At least Calvin will get a break" 

"True, but it's weird isn't it? Veronica's never sick, like can't remember the last time she wasn't at school, can you?" 

I thought about and it was true that Veronica was always here, not because she necessarily liked learning but because she wants to keep up with the latest gossip, hang with her friends and bully some poor innocent kid, so i guess it was a bit strange but maybe she was sick, everyone had to get sick sometime didn't they? 

Or maybe she was taken by the.... 

I mentally slapped myself for such an irrational thought. 

Just then Alicia arrived and she looked much better than she did yesterday, she was smiling and all the worry i saw in her eyes Thursday had gone. 

That's why i decided not to mention last night's discovery or strange event; my friends were starting to believe that this was all a nasty prank, so why should i make them worry? Alicia looked so much better and i wouldn't be able to forgive myself if i were to scare her again, this was my problem and my problem alone.

Again in maths my quiet, unnoticeable self, gave me the chance to hear things that no one would think anybody would overhear them saying. This time i was sitting in front of Katie, which was another friend of Veronica's, and Monica. 

"Has she answered your text yet?" Monica asked, i could here worry and slight irritation in her voice. 

"Nope, what do you thinks wrong with her? She always answers my text!" Katie replied. 

"The only reason i can possibly think of is that she's fallen incredibly ill and had to be hospitalised because if not she should be answering her phone!" Monica wailed in pure frustration as she slammed her phone down onto her textbook. 

For a few seconds the class fell silent and looked at her, in return she gave us the death stare and continued working. I was really tempted to tell her that maybe Veronica just didn't feel like answering texts but seeing the death stare she gave the class... i thought better of it. 

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