Chapter 4

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At the end of the day, I trudged slowly down the driveway to my house, my mind on The Thing, could the connection be that Veronica and Elizabeth were W.A.T kids, popular girls who picked on others?  I was fairly sure it was, but umm… why was it targeting them? If it really is a yellow slit-eyed black beast, I shivered thinking back to what had happened in my room, why would it bother picking out particular students? Why not take the first that comes to close?

Then a thought occurred to me, maybe it kidnapped W.A.T kids because they’d be the ones to be noticed? Or… it has a twisted sense of justice and thinks that by taking them away the other kids cannot be picked on? Ughhh! Nothing made sense, something felt wrong about this whole “Thing” business and I was going to get to the bottom of it.


I had been so caught up in thought that I hadn’t realized I’d just walked into my own. Front. Door. Pain burst through my forehead, I groaned and flew my hands to my head, soon enough I collected myself and slipped the key into the lock and clicked opened the door.

Locking the door behind me, I went upstairs and immediately started my research on finding the names of the two other girls that had been kidnapped.

By the time I gave up on my search, the sun had gone down and the sky had turned as dark as the Thing’s fur, the stars twinkled at me like hundred yellow eyes looking at me from above, instinctively I shivered. In my entire search, this consisted of searching kidnappings from my area, my school and cross referencing things from half a dozen websites I had found nothing, and to make matters worse, a pile of unfinished homework sat on my desk.

Just before going to bed I sleepily typed the following into my investigation folder (sounding fancy aren’t i?)



 The next day a thought occurred to me as I bit into my overfilled jam croissant which represented my breakfast, the most likely reason I hadn’t found anything was because the families of the two girls had probably wanted no media coverage, so of course there would be no papers on them.

I nearly dropped my croissant at my stupidity, I was meant to solve a case! Yet my information was limited and even though I’d made slight headway in discovering the thing, I felt as if there was no way I was going to get to the bottom of this. Hopelessness filled me for the slightest second, but I shook myself. Now was not the time to give up, I had to find Veronica and the others, if they were still alive, no matter how horrid they’d been.

Finishing up my breakfast I left the house, my head clouded with thoughts of The Thing and Veronica and what on earth I was going to do.

When I arrived at school, the same gloomy, depressed feel hung around as it did yesterday, Veronica’s kidnapping had shocked us all and the most affected was probably Monica, her eyes looked dead, her usually styled chestnut hair hung tangled and unwashed and not as single bit of make-up covered her face. I wish I could go over to her, comfort her, she may hate me but I was shattered to see her like this… but the way she eyed anyone who went near her I decided I better not.

I met Bee and Alicia and we silently progressed thought the day, much like yesterday, Veronica’s kidnapping struck fear in the school, thoughts of The Thing surfaced again and no one seemed at ease. Is this what the creature wanted? For us to suffer and fear it? It certainly seemed plausible but still… something didn’t stick.

 Something wasn’t right


So yes, i know this is short but i really wanted to get something published for you guys, so i hope you guys enjoy and i apologize for how long this took! 

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