Chapter 6

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The Next Day (Past)

Lust woke up from his deep sleep and dream from talking to Flowey in his head. As he got up, he started to grab his phone next to him and checked the time while he was rubbing his eyes for a moment to wake up completely.

"8:30 am? I guess I should take a bath while Papyrus is still sleeping. He never wakes up early enough as I do". He said.

Lust got off the bed and walked towards his own bathroom door to take a nice relaxing shower. He looked himself at the mirror, the full picture of his body and his baggy eyes.

Giving it away from his surprising look. He clearly hasn't been taking care of himself, ever. Not since the rescue. Lust sighs in disbelief but in disappointment as well.

For letting himself go to be like this. And to act like a crazy person, pushing all his friends away. Including his own brother. Though, he still wasn't ready nor trusting towards everyone around him just yet.

That really doesn't change the fact of how he treated everyone right now. A horrible monster, tempting to snark off from people who he thought betrayed him. Or at least could count on.

Still, he wasn't ready to open up yet. He just wasn't, and it's going to take him a while in order to be normal again. Like it used to, when everything was at peace. And not a dreaded nightmare.

Lust felt guilty for acting like this. But, the hatred still lingered him inside, whenever he didn't feel like being bothered. Or not forgiving enough to apologize towards his friends.

It angered him of that feeling. And he knew it. Trying to let it go for once, but to no avail. No matter, he just knew it would take progress to recover from this trauma.

Sooner or later.

As lust began turning on the shower, checking the temperature of the water. It was ready and warm enough for him to get in and bath himself.

It stung him a bit due to his serious wounds around his body. But nevertheless, he ignored it and cleaned himself with some soap and water. To feel at ease and freshened up like a new person.

He carefully scrubbed himself all over without hurting too much of his wounds. Making sure he doesn't expand the blood from coming out.

After he was satisfied and clean enough. He turned off the water faucet, opened the curtains and got out of the tub. Grabbing a towel to dry himself out.

He put on some clean clothes he got of from his drawer and dressed up in a long purple shirt that went down close to his thighs. And some comfortable black sweat pants to go with the look.

After that, he brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth drying it afterwards with a clean towel.

And went towards his room to check his phone for a bit. Since he doesn't want to come out of his room yet. He checked on his social media

Barely finding anything new on it. But he would go on YouTube and entertain himself with some funny or scary videos to watch in the meantime.

"Hmm...I might get myself a slice of cake while I'm at it. I just hope Papyrus isn't in the kitchen or woken up yet". He said.

He quickly teleported himself down stairs where the living room was empty. He checked the kitchen behind the couch, to see nothing. No one in sight.

"Phew, thank goodness. I better be quick though". He said. He ran to the fridge and grabbed the big cake, taking a knife and cut a slice to take back to his room.

He got a plate and out his slice on it, not leaving without grabbing some mango juice on the way. His favorite juice in the world.

He poured it in a cup and put it back on the fridge. Taking a fork with him and literally teleporting himself back in his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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