back to the past

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Merlin finally finds Arthur

Merlin has waited hundreds and hundreds of years. He watched as everyone he had loved died as he walked the earth.

He watched as times changes and camilot became no more. He had gone back because of a dream. A stupid one of Arthur rising, one he had so many times. So why was this one different

Merlin had traveled for days to the place. A town not too big but not small was around the lake now.

He walked through the town and saw the colors of red and yellow. He turned too fast almost falling when he sees who it is.

Arthur's p.o.v

I didn't remember much when I woke. I remember dying and then hearing merlins voice. I had followed it and found myself on the side of the lake.

I look around not knowing where I was. The people looked strange and the houses did too. I walked towards them my armor still intact.

"Hello young lady could you tell me how to get to camilot?" I asked and they laughed

They spoke with words i had never heard before. "are you kidding? That place is last season" she had said and walked off

This left me with no choice but to try and find merlin. I walked through the town almost getting hit by these fast moving things, i couldn't understand how they move with no horse.

The world looked so different from what I was used to. As I walked through I was paying attention to a stall when I saw it. That little red necker chief merlin always wore.

I had spun around so fast and watched as he did spun around to face me. We stared at each other and before I could speak he was kissing me.

Merlin's p.o.v

I had walked through the town and when I had seen the colors and turned around my heart stopped

I wanted to say so much but after over 1500 years I had no idea what to say. would he even remember me? I took my risk and kissed him

I could feel magic surround us and we close our eyes. I hadn't noticed as the area around us changed.

When we open our eyes again we are outside camilot. "No way" I said and Arthur smiled

"You've got a lot of explaining to do" he said and I chuckle

"First let's go home" I said not wanting to wait to see the others.

3rd person

They quickly ran and when they arived they are stopped by gaurds.

"What are you doing? Let me through. I am the king of camilot" arthur says making everyone gasp

It had been two years. Arthur had died and i had disappeared unable to face the truth.

Now came the knights of the round table yelling for them to get out of the way as they ran and hugged the two.

Merlin let myself be pulled in and arthur did the same. "By God's we thought you were died" they said and Arthur laughed.

They all walked back inside. Merlin expected a great warm hug and kiss when gwen and Arthur saw eachother but instead they seemed to have some sort of agreement with just their eyes and she takes her crown handing it to him

"I am glad you are alive." She said and he smiled "as am i" merlin heard him say

Merlin was confused but soon arthur turns to him putting her crown on his head. Merlin gasps and arthur puts his own crown on.

"I should have chosen you from the beginning magic or not" he said and hugged merlin.  Merlin couldn't help but cry

Merlin had watched as his memories play out infront of him. He smiles because he knows they aren't memories anymore. He is finally home, back in camilot. Merlin couldn't wait to see giaus.

They were both just so relieved to finally be home. They would have to talk about what happened and merlin would have to tell him the truth.

That he hid for 1500 years, but tonight they celebrate. They all drink and party tell they can't feel anything anymore then the boys go to bed. Arthur dragging merlin into his room to sleep

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