Chapter 8- Forgiveness at North Winds Cafe

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Wow, another chapter already! You're welcome, Jenna.


"She really hates you, Frosty," Anna sighed, standing next to Jack in the middle of the hallway. Her face was flushed red. "I have no idea why."

I know why. "I dunno," Jack shrugged.
"Well I guess we should go find her," Anna grabbed on to Jack's arm and pulled him down the hallway and through the castle.

When they got down to the first floor they saw a maid. "Excuse me!" Anna rushed to the maid. "Did you see where Elsa went?"

"Her Majesty left the castle," the maid replied politely.

"Thanks!" Anna took Jack's arm again and practically dragged him out of the castle.


Anna and Jack had been strolling through the town for at least an hour. Anna collapsed on to a bench.

"I have no idea where she is," Anna sighed, stretching her legs out.

Jack leaned against his staff. "Where does she like to hang out?"

"Hmmm..." Anna scratched her head. "She mentioned some place with North or South in the name in the past. Don't know much else. Elsa doesn't seem to go into town often."

"Anna!" a male voice shouted. Jack turned around and saw a guy with a mop of blonde hair. Beside him was a reindeer. Kristoff. Anna hopped up and ran to them. The reindeer licked her face and she laughed.

"Sven!" Anna petted the reindeer. She hugged Kristoff. "What are you doing-oohhhh," she slapped her forehead. "I totally forgot about our date!" Kristoff just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Jack, I have to go. Sorry about Elsa," she waved and left with Kristoff and Sven.

North or South... hmmm. Jack sat down on the bench. Wait!

Little Elsa giggled as Jack opened the door to the North Winds Cafe.

"Yay!" she shouted, rushing to their usual seats in the corner. Jack sat down beside her. "I wanna hot chocolate! Ooh ooh! And a Brownie!"

Jack laughed and ruffled Elsa's already messy hair. It had come out of it's braid. "You already have so much energy, are you sure you need more sugar?" But nonetheless, Jack ordered Elsa what she wanted. Elsa could easily get a hot chocolate and a bronie at the castle, but they wouldn't be as good as North Winds'.

Elsa scarfed down the brownie and gulped the hot chocolate when it was cool enough. "I love this place!"

"How come?" Jack asked, thinking she would respond how the food was good.

"Cause you take me here! So this place reminds me of you!" Elsa hugged him. "And I like their brownies."

Jack got up off of the bench. He knew where he had to go. The North Winds Cafe.

Jack pushed open the glass door. Some heads turned toward the door and looked at it curiously. Others acknowledged Jack and went back to their business. Elsa didn't look up at all.

She was sitting in the same corner that they had always sat at years ago. A steaming mug and an uneaten brownie sat on the table in front of her.

She was looking down and silent tears streamed down her face. Not exactly thinking, Jack went over and sat across from her.

She looked up. Seeing Jack, she hastily wiped the tears away. "What do you want?" she said angrily, avoiding looking at him.

Jack didn't know what to say. What did you expect?! That you could just barge in and sit across from her and she would be your friend? That she would stop being mad at you? That she would forgive you just that quickly?! You idiot!

"Uh..." was all Jack was able to say. Elsa rolled her eyes.

"You should leave. I don't want to see you," she said bitterly.

Jack looked down as if to avoid her gaze, even though she wasn't even looking at him. "Elsa, you think I chose to leave you?" Jack said quietly. He took a deep breath. "You were such a sweet little girl. Why would I leave you like that?"

Jack looked up and saw Elsa looking at him. Her face had no expression.

"I got trapped inside some ice saving my sister. I should've died," Elsa sucked in a small, quick breath. "But the Moon saved me and made me Jack Frost." Jack lightly touched his staff to the table and frost spread across it. "And now I have these powers."

"So now you're like me," Elsa said quietly. Jack nodded. Elsa looked away from Jack. "Why should I believe this is how you got your powers?" Jack groaned inwardly.

Why does she still believe I left her as a child voluntarily?!

"Why shouldn't you believe me?!" Jack sighed. Elsa opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. This is a lost cause. Why was I even sent here? Jack stood up. "Sorry." Sorry you hate me.

He started to walk away when a hand gripped his arm. He turned his head and saw Elsa avoiding his gaze. She stood up, more tears falling.

Still avoiding his gaze, Elsa pulled Jack into her arms. She hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry. My life is messed up at the moment." She cried into Jack's shoulder. He hugged her back, patting her back.

"Can we be friends?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah," Jack said to her. "That's all I've wanted."

Elsa let out a small chuckle. "We should probably go before some people think I'm crazy. To some of them I'm hugging air and talking to myself."

Jack smiled as Elsa stepped out of his embrace. "Let's go."

A/N: Aaaawwwww. The feels though. Finally, Elsa doesn't hate Jack! Yay!

Now their relationship shall develope.

I'm still surprised I pumped out another chapter so quickly. Go me!

The Master Fangirl,

Stay majestic you beautiful things.

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