Chapter 9- Hold Me Through the Night

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So instead of alternating between Jack and Elsa each chapter, I'm changing things up. Instead of doing just one POV each chapter, I'm going to switch between Jack and Elsa. This will probably be the case for most of the chapters.

And the picture is not my fan art (of course)


"No way!" Anna's jaw had literally dropped to the floor when Jack had told her the whole story later that night. "She actually doesn't hate you now?!"

Jack laughed. "Yup. I couldn't believe it either. I had though for sure that she would keep hating me forever."

Anna jumped up and down. "She even hugged you. I am so excited right now!" Jack laughed again. He was sitting on Anna's bed as she practically bounced off her bedroom walls.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Cause you two are perfect for each other!" Anna practically shouted. She then squealed and jumped on her bed.

Jack frowned. "What do you mean by 'perfect for each other'?" Jack asked her. Does she mean that... in a romantic way?

Anna giggled and continued to jump on her bed, making Jack bounce up and down.

"Anna," Jack said exasperated. "We can't be soul mates! No way! I'm immortal, remember? I'm a guardian. I can't love a mortal." As he said it, Jack's heart hurt a little.

"Sure you can," Anna casually said.

"Well... I could. But it'll always end in heartbreak for me. I'll always outlive them. I want to spend forever with someone," Jack's voice broke. I'll never be able to spend forever with someone...

Anna stopped jumping on her bed. She slowly sat down next to Jack. "And as they grow older you'll remain the same..." Jack nodded sadly. "Oh..."

Anna put an arm around Jack's shoulder. "I'm sorry," her voice was sincere.


"Elsa! Run!" Anna shrieked. Elsa whipped around. Anna was surrounded by black sand. The sand started to move, as it were alive. It moved up Anna's body. Her eyes we're filled with panic and terror.

"Ru-" she was cut off. Ann started to make choking sounds as black sand went into her mouth and down her throat, choking her.

"Anna!" Elsa shrieked. She tried to move towards Anna but found that she couldn't. She looked down at her feet. The black sand had begun to creep up her legs.

The black sand had covered Anna's head. The sand then lowered, and Anna was gone.

"No!" Elsa screamed at the top of her lungs. The sand was now up to her waist. Elsa was sobbing. "No!"

An unfamiliar voice laughed as Hans materialized in front of Elsa. The sand was now up to her shoulders.

"I'm back, Elsa... and now I have a powerful friend," Hans said slyly.

"W-" the sand filled Elsa's mouth and went down her throat. Elsa's vision went black as the sand reached her eyes and then covered her head.

Elsa woke up screaming and drenched in sweat. She hugged her legs to her chest and screamed into her knees.


A scream woke Jack up from his sleep. He sat up in bed, confused. There was a second scream. He identified it as Elsa's.

Jack whipped off the covers and quickly got out of bed. He opened his door and sped through the hallways towards Elsa's room.

When he arrived at her door the screams became much louder. He knocked loudly on the door. "Elsa?" He practically shouted to be heard over the screams. The screaming stopped.

Jack slowly opened the door. Elsa was sitting on her bed, her knees against her chest. Her eyes were wide.


Elsa tried to say something, but all that came out was a choking sound. Jack rushed to the side of her bed. Elsa looked up at him and she began to shake.

Jack took Elsa's hand and pulled her into and embrace. She shakily wrapped her arms around him, burying her head into his shoulder.


She was shaking so badly. Jack held her tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Hey," he said softly, stroking her hair. "What happened?"

"N-nightmare," she choked out between sobs.

"Okay, okay. Shhhh," her body continued to shake like crazy.

"Elsa!" The door was flung open by Anna. She spotted Jack and raised her eyebrows.

"Nightmare," Jack said. Anna nodded and closed the door behind her.

"The queen is fine. It was just a nightmare," Jack could hear Anna say through the door. There we're more mumbled voices he couldn't make out.

"Black sand," he heard Elsa say.
"There was black sand," her voice cracked. Jack's shoulder was soaked with her tears, but he didn't care.

Black sand...



Elsa reluctantly let go of Jack. She pulled away and sat on her bed. She was still shaking pretty badly, but all her tears were gone.

Jack looked at her concerned and... angry. Elsa turned away from him.

"I'm s-sorry I w-woke you," she said quietly. Hans is coming to kill me. He's coming to kill me.

"No, it's okay," Jack replied softly. And he has some one helping him. Someone powerful.

I'm going to die. Soon.

Elsa saw Jack heading towards the door out of the corner of her eye. "Wait!" She called out. I need you to stay.

Jack stopped. "What is it?" He asked.

"Can you stay with me?" Elsa asked. Hold me. Please.

"Yeah sure," Jack came over to her and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"As in, lay down next to me and hold me," Elsa pretty much demanded. I need you to hold me.

Jack looked shocked. "Okay..."

"Queen's orders." And I don't know why.

Jack chuckled. He laid down and pulled Elsa against him, her back against his chest. She took in a shaky breath.

"Thanks," she whispered. Elsa stopped shaking as she fell asleep in Jack's arms.

A/N: The feels are suffocating me.

Hope you liked it. I'm trying to finish this book before the end of my summer. And after this book I have another fan fiction ready to be written...


No sneak peaks yet.

The Master Fangirl,
Stay majestic.

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