•Chapter Two•

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Third Person Pov:

Camrin ended up falling asleep with setty on the couch, he woke up on top of settys chest. His arms were wrapped around Camrin and he seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

Camrin got up only to be pulled back down by a pair of arms.

"Where you going?" Setty said in his sleep voice, which sent tingles all through Camrins body.

"I'm going home nigga." Camrin said trying to get out of settys grip but sadly failed.

"No you not." Setty said.

"Says who? You ain't my daddy." Camrin said.

"That's not was you said 2 days ago." Setty said smirking.

Camrin rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll stay for a bit longer but after I'm leaving." He said.

Setty smiled, he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen looking for some food.

"Fat peice of shit." Camrin whispered lowly.

"Whatchu said?" Setty asked.

"Nothin don't worry bout it."

Setty ended up cooking breakfast, he made pancakes, bacon, egg, LITTERALY everything.

"Here you go." Setty said handing Camrin a plate, he went in for a kiss but was pushed back by Camrin.

"Whatchu acting like that for? Like you just can't stand me or some shit." Setty asked.

"Cause I can." Camrin said.

"Ion know bout you, but I don't take disrespect. So the next time you do some shit like that I'm rocking yo shit." Setty said.

"I ain't scared of you JEREMIAH." Camrin said, emphasis on Jeremiah.

"Oh word?" Setty said, the front door opened revealing his girlfriend, Armani.

"HEY BABE!" She screamed jumping on setty, hugging and kissing him.

One thing about Armani that annoyed Camrin was how loud she was for absolutely no reason.

"Hey pretty girl." Setty said with a fake smile.

"Hi Camrin." Armani said lowly. It was clear she didn't like Camrin, she didn't like him because of how close and touchy he was with setty, she abousolutey despised him for it.

"Hi." Camrin said already fed up with the girl.

"Baeeee! When you gone take me on another date again? It's been sooo longggggg." Armani said.

"Soon bae, soon." Setty said.

"Can you take me on one tonight? Plssss?" She asked.

Setty looked at Camrin, he rolled his eyes looking away from the two.

"Sure I geuss." He said.

"YESSS TYSM BAEEEE!" She yelled kissing all over his face.

Setty almost threw up, she had morning breath meaning she didn't brush her teeth before she came over.

She also was drinking the last night which didn't make her breath better.

"Alright you can stop now." Setty said gently pushing her off him.

Anyways what did y'all think of this Chapter? Me personally I feel like Armani needs to go ASAP.

Hope Y'all Enjoyed❤️

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