•Chapter Five•

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Third Person Pov:

Setty was at Armani's house chilling with her. They eventually made up after Setty apologized for leaving her at the restaurant and calling her out her name.

Armani was still a bit upset that he didn't cut Camrin off like she asked. But she eventually let it go.

"Bae I was gonna tell you I'm going to this party later tonight and I want you to come with me." Armani said.

"Can't, imma be with Camrin." Setty said.

Armani rolled her eyes.

"See here you go again! You always leaving me hanging to go chill wit Camrin! What does he have that I don't?"

"He asked me to come hang wit him and I'd feel bad to cancel on him." Setty said.

"Ok and what about me? See this is why I wanted you to cut him off cause you always wanna be with him and not me!" Armani said.

"First of all stop yelling and calm down, second. Thats not true I'm always with you." Setty said.

"That's a lie! Your always with Camrin! See this is why I can't stand him being around you! Do y'all got something going on that I don't know about?" Armani asked.

"What are you implying here?" Setty asked.

"I'm saying the way y'all been acting and hanging around each other, it's giving me weird vibes." Armani said.

"So you think I'm cheating on you with him?" Setty asked.

"I didn't say all that now but....." Armani said.

"Ion got time for this shit here, I'm out this bitch." Setty said getting up and leaving.

Armani was beginning to get suspicious of the two men. The way they were always with each other 24/7, they way setty always got defensive of her bringing it up, and he always seemed to get protective of Camrin when Armani brought him up.

She didn't want it to be true because she genuinely had feelings for Setty and she actually loved him.

She didn't wanna find out that he'd been playing her all this time.

Short but it's something.

How do y'all feel about this?

Hope y'all enjoyed❤️

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