The Party -- Chapter 6

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"Hey, you sure you want me to drop you at school? I thought they gave you the boot." The dude tells Jordyn.

Jordyn waves him off, "Nah, this is the right place. Thanks, homie. Yo, thanks for the ride! I owe you one."

"Hell has frozen over." Mr. Sunn says as Jordyn walks in.

Jordyn follows up, "I guess it has. Uh... I couldn't stop thinkin' about your class, Mr. Sunn."

"You must need money." He realizes.

"How much can you spare? Yeah, uh, sorry. Just kidding. Actually, I was going through some of my father's stuff, and I, uh... I found this letter. It's from a local landowner. I was wondering if you could translate it. Um... It... it's in Gullah, and I remember that from our local history unit." Jordyn tells him.

Mr. Sunn tells Jordyn, "It's gratifying to know some of it sunk in."

"Yeah, some of it." Jordyn says.

"Even though you spent half the class on a surf break." He calls out.

Jordyn corrects him "Only the big swells. So, uh, the letter."

Mr. Sunn reads, "Ah... dated... 1844. "To my beloved son Robert. I am awaiting the...hour of my public murder with... great composure of mind and cheerfulness, knowing I am soon bound for glory."

Jordyn tells him, "He was lynched."

"Do not nurse grief to vengeance, but instead trust in God with all your heart, for He doeth all things well. Until we meet again in heaven, your loving father, Denmark Tanny." He reads.

"So that's it?" Jordyn asks.

Mr. Sunn mentions, "There's a postscript, but it's just a planter's log."

Jordyn nods her head, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you read that for me, actually?"

"Matters applicable to the property and the estate." Uh, "'bacca, cotton, corn, tomato. But lastly, to Robert..."

Jordyn includes, "That's his son. Yeah."

"Harvest the wheat near the water in parcel nine forthwith." "That's it." Mr. Sunn concludes.

Jordyn questions, "On the day that he dies, he writes a letter to his son telling him to harvest the wheat?"

"It's a little odd, to be honest, but look..." Mr. Sunn points to a symbol (I think that's what he's pointing at?)

"Mr. Sunn... I... I can't tell you how much this means to me. You just... you just helped me out so much. Thank you. Uh... I... I hope you have a great summer, and I'll see you this fall." Jordyn tells him as she leaves.

Jordyn runs back outside, "Sorry."


Jordyn suddenly gets grabbed from behind and they both go down. She sees the blonde head of hair, "It's me, JJ. Stop, stop, stop, stop."

"Fuck." JJ murmurs as John B appears behind them.

"What are you doing?" Jordyn asks loudly.

JJ slaps his hand over he mouth, "Shut up. See that? They're watching us, okay?"

Jordyn asks him, "Who?"

"I don't know. Let's go. Sneak around to the dock. Gotta go this way." JJ says as the three of them walk through the water.

Jordyn stops him, "Wait, wait, wait, wait. You got the keys to the Pogue?"

"Yeah. John, hurry up. Come on, come on, come on." JJ rushes the boy who's untying the knot.

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