The Murder -- Chapter 12

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Jordyn quickly rushes over to the sheriff who's struggling to breath, "Hey. Hey. Hold still. Hold still. It's okay. Where is it? Where is it? Oh, my...I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She grabs a bandana she stole from her brother and places it on her wound.

"Call!" Peterkin lets out.

"I'm sorry." Jordyn apologizes again.

Peterkin gasps again, "Call! Call for help."

"Hey. Wait." Rafe yells as Jordyn grabs the radio.

"Rafe, no! Rafe!" Ward yells at his son.

Rafe points the gun at the girl, "Don't try it, asshole."

"Rafe... JC, give me the radio." Ward tries

Jordyn looks at him firmly, "No."

"Come on. Give me the radio. The damn radio." Ward tells the girl as he grabs it out her hand as she still is holding onto Peterkin.

Ward watches his son hold the gun back up, "Rafe, I've got it. Calm down. Rafe, put the gun down. I got it."

"Run." Peterkin begs Jordyn.

Jordyn shakes her head, "Fuck no. I'm not leaving you."

"Run!" Peterkin begs as Jordyn gets up from the woman, "I'm sorry."

"Where are you goin'? Huh?" Rafe yells as Jordyn passes by Sarah.

Sarah says to her girlfriend, "Run."

"Where you going, JC?" Rafe yells as he fires gunshots at the girl running through the field.


Jordyn sprints through the woods onto a road where she gets hit by a car. Jordyn ignores the man who questions her injuries and just keeps running. She finally makes it to a hangar where the group is waiting around.

"Dude! Dude, you good?" JJ yells when he sees the girl.

Kie also rushes over, "Oh, my God! JC!"

"Is this yours?" John B asks grabbing his sister's arm.

"Whose blood is that?" Kie asks weary.

John B looks at his sister who is not present, "Hey, you okay, sis?"

"JC, are you okay?" Kie also asks worried.

The group hears sirens ring through the air, "Shit."


"JC, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asks as they pull up at the station.

Jordyn looks up, "Somebody's gotta tell them what happened."

"Ooh..." JJ comments as Pope starts coughing. "Easy there, chief. Damn."

JJ grabs his friends shoulder, "All right. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."

"Your old man's an abusive liar." Kie includes.

Pope after finishing his coughing fit speaks up, "I agree with JJ. Fuck the police."

"You goin' to the dark side now?" John B asks confused.

"When's the last time the police helped us?" Pope asks leaning forward.

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