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Manik next two days stayed in his room with nandini memories he cried

didn't eat anything

drank lot of alcohol

he feelt like he will die without her

he wants her back in his life for forever but for that he first have to punish the culprits of his mother and jaan

So on third day he got ready with his monstrous attitude after having breakfast as he was feeling to weak he went to his office

He removed his shares immidately with profits as after his name kapoor is again start making profits after that he called another investors and requ ... nope order them to remove their shares and they did

And on same day he reached their mansion who doesn't have idea what happened to their company

Mr. Kapoor came near him and welcome him and enterimg in He said

Get out of my mansion right now

Mr. Kapoor see him with shocked face and said what are you saying

Ohh you didn't watched the news he said with smirk and sat on middle of the sofa like a king Mr.kapoor ran and opened the t.v

And News channels showing about their company got bankcroupt and about shares

Mr.. can this happen?

That's your karma you tourcherd my jaan and your daughter killed my mother now pay back time he said with smirk on his face and fire in his eyes

Mr. Kapoor about say something but Anita came running

Wo soha ko fashionhouse sa police arrest karke lagai she said to kapoor with heavy breaths . And manik just thinking how can this women hate her own daughter and love her step daughter but he just shrugged it's her bad

Ohh ! Mr. Malothra please save soha anita said when she see manik sitting over their but he said nothing

After 2 minutes he again said Out Now enough of all your drama when he saw Mr. Kapoor telling everything to her

That bitch brain washed you anita said Mr. Kapoor try to stop her but manik roared

Manik stand and came near her and said dangerously agar ma 6 mahina pehla wala manik hota na tuo surely ma tumha 1 thapad mardata agar us time mera apana ko kuch khaty bhi but you know because of nandini i am not taking strict action beacuse jab wo gai she taken promise from me that I will not hurt you or ek tum huo you are really black mark on name of mother

She died she asked like it's simple sentence

How dare you I will kill you manik roared and try to subside his anger and fisted his hand which is all ready to press her neck

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