chapter -1

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Finally ! I am going to die and ending everyone's problem that's me


Yes you heard it right nandini murthy is only live in this world for bearing pain who still don't know what Actually her mistake is

Now you want to know what my story Actually is so let's see

Nandini murthy is living like a princess till the age of 10 after her parents got divorced and she choosed her mother over her father and that's the biggest mistake she did after that her mother made her life hell

Then she waited for her prince charming which her dad mentioned in his stories but destiny have other plans

I will save your company Mr. And Mrs. Kapoor but need something in return a man said who's in her late 20's

Yes tell us if we can we will give you just save our company Mr. Kapoor said

I want to marry your daughter man said

Mrs. Kapoor eyes shined and she said yes ! Affcourse Mr. Malothra we are ready for that and soha already in love with you

No ! I want to marry your small daughter Nandini kapoor Manik said rolling his paper weight

But.. ok we are ready Mr kapoor gonna said something but Mrs. Kapoor cutted him

So we will sign merriage papers tomorrow and most important thing this merriage will only stay secret No one should know about this only we five you four and me

What about your investment Mr. Kapoor said

I will invest tomorrow only manik said and Mr And Mrs kapoor left his office .

Now it's your punishment time i will make your life hell nandini kapoor

I will hate you till my LAST BREATH

Manik thought And called his lawyer to make the papers ready

Next day

A girl in early 20 praying in her room
Aiyappan mom said i am gonna merry today I just want my husband love me and I will love him the most please take care of my new life and keep my dad safe and please tell him I am missing him and also say him come to his princess she is sorry .

Soon her door got banged opened

Soha enter in with angry face and clutched her hairs
You bitch how dare you seduce my manik

Ahhh... di i didn't nandini said

Soon shagun came up listening the voices

Soha leave her manik would come any time i promise once our company will setteld down I will make you merry with him and even manik will come to know that how bitch she is shagun said without even seeing towards his daughter who is crying listening her hateful words

An servant came up and told them that Mr. Malothra is here

You just go and set your face and come down in 5 minutes other wise I will see you shagun said and left taking Soha with her

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