015. Day 3. "K. Mitsuri"

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Hi :)

WARNING: this chapter contains a BRIEF description of gore, if that makes you uncomfortable then please skip the part. (I've placed a warning sign before and after the gory part!!)
Third POV

(Y/N) was currently waiting for the sun to go down, the kamaboko trio were training yonder. He really didn't care but he'd grown more attached to Tanjiro as he was someone who talked to him often. Although he felt it was mostly out of kindness, (Y/N) supposed he appreciated it. The sun was setting as the trio arrived, sweating like fat old pigs in the summer, (Y/N) couldn't help but furrow his brows in disgust at the humans.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)-san!"
Tanjiro's smiling voice caught his attention. "Hm?" (Y/N) hummed in response, by now, Tanjiro knew (Y/N) was quiet and a bit of a loner. He only spoke when directly spoken to, and he hid in his room all day, granted, he is a demon... Tanjiro sweatdropped at the (h/c)-haired demon, his orange streaks seemed more elegant ---- almost illuminating ---- tonight. "Who will you be training with next?" Tanjiro bounced onto his bed, leaning close to (Y/N), but not enough to be in his personal space. "The Love Pillar..I believe her name is Kanroji." He spoke, monotone.
"I- I see.." Tanjiro laughed awkwardly, trying to cover up the silence with his cheer, but eventually gave up and went to his own bed to lay down. Zenitsu was yelling, well, whisper-yelling toward Inosuke who was ... upside-down?
A knock at the door startled the three boys. (Y/N) stood up and made his way toward the door, sliding it open. "Helloo~~?" A bubbly voice smiled toward the demon boy. "Good night, Kanroji-san." The kamaboko trio leaned in, trying to eavesdrop, but failing. Well, Zenitsu could hear, so just Tanjiro and Inosuke were failing..
"Are you excited to train with mee!" She asked, but not really asking it as a question.. she was brimming with energy as she said this.
'You are way too hyper...' the demon thought,


very briefly imagining her head snapped ninty degrees with crimson blood pooling beneath her nose and seeping from out of her mouth, eyes rolled back and unresponsive.. envisioning her ghostly pale figure cold as ice and going stiff with rigor mortis. He hoped he could, --- would --- be the cause of this brutal death. His stomach tingled with a feeling of happiness, if only briefly.


"indeed, i am interested in your training" his voice held nothing...no emotion as he spoke.

Tanjiro's POV

For a brief second i could smell..malice...the overwhelming scent made me shiver, i felt like throwing up. My eyes went wide with disgust at the putrid smell, hand going up to clutch at my stomach. Then it was gone ... i watched (Y/N) speak... though i could see only his back.. I knew the scent came from him. I took a glance at Zenitsu, his own eyes were wide open.. seems he heard it too...

Third POV

(Y/N) listened to the hashira explaining the training she wanted to do, nodding along. It was basically a lot of stretching and warming up.
"Now! Let's go! (Y/N)-kun!!"
She spoke so fast that before the kamaboko trio could even comprehend, she was gone. Along with the demon.
Tanjiro couldn't help but feel nervous, --- scared, even --- that something bad may happen..


(Y/N) was now, in his own mind, trapped in the pink-decorated mansion that was the love-pillar estate. He deadpanned at the manor, his arm --- unwantedly, mind you --- linked with the Hashira's as they ...she... skipped into the building.

"We shall begin- ohh! Wait! (Y/N)-kun, you must first put this on!" She held up a leotard...


No way in hell is he wearing tha-

No way in hell is he wearing tha-

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After he was forced into the uncomfortable outfit, Kanroji was ready to help him stretch..
She used her own strength to stretch out his legs, back, and hips.

(Y/N) was surprisingly quiet.. ... well, unsurprisingly.. quiet as she bent him past his limit..? Demon limit?
Although.. his face held an eternal frown upon it, perhaps from discomfort, or maybe he was embarrassed. It didn't matter, all that mattered was him not slicing her in half and watching her guts spill.

They went on, Kanroji was smiling through the entire exercise. "Yay! Now it is time for dancing~" she hopped up and down, clapping her hands as he watched her with a twitching brow... alright, she's dead for sure...

Out of all of the training so far, he hated this one the most.
the western music she was playing rang through his ears, irritating the HELL out of him. Ironic...

By the end, he didn't even break a sweat, unlike Rengoku's training.
She smiled, clapping at his posture and form overall.
"Amazing work, (Y/N)-kun!~"

He'd roll his eyes, turning his head to the left. Nodding and humming in "appreciation" for her compliment.

"Our training is almost done!"
She smiled again.


"Maaan! You did great today! Now it's time to eat"

She sat down, the low table holding the meal. The table held a dozen takoyaki, 10 ramen bowls, and a variety of other cuisine. (Y/N) looked at it all, slightly in awe of the sheer size of the meal. He hadn't seen food like this in well over 900 years.

he sat quietly, watching her scarf down ramen bowls one after another. She looked up, seemingly confused as to why she was the only one eating.
Then it clicked.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! (Y/N)-kun, i barely even thought-"

He'd stare at her face intensely.

She stopped talking and apologizing, staring back at him with an equally blank face.



That was awkward..





hope ya'll enjoyed <3

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